CFL Wrap Around


Active Member
Hey yall, I'm nearing the end of my Flowering period. Since I wont be growing much longer I thought I'de try and get my last few grows just right and maybe share some knowledge I've accumulated.

a 130 watt 2700k (enhanced red spectrum)
a 42 watt 2700k
a 26 watt 6700k UVB reptile bulb

Grown in soil, with organic and chemical fertilizers, pesticides and molasses is also is being used.

I'd really appreciate hearing from all you advanced CFL growers out there, especially those using minimal watts, yet achieving larger high quality nugs.



Well-Known Member
mmm looks tasty my girl is just startin to flower i put mine outside on nice days gives you the BIG leaves like HPS /MH so im hopin for a fat nug too


Active Member
Ya if you can use natural daylight, you're set. I also have another chamber in front of my window it use 2 x 42 watts and 2 x26 watts, which turn on in the morning just so I can controle the light cycle, then at about 3pm I just turn em off and open the windows. You get way more powerful light, and it's free, at that point your getting free bud. What a wonderful world.


Active Member
Presently I'm only using bat guano and molasses, does anyone know if it's okay to continue to use these right up untill harvest?


Active Member
well nobody answered me, and it appears one of my plants is suffering from nute burn at about week 7. It's strange how two other plants show no ill effect what so ever, and they have all had the same treatment. Even the nute burned/ or maybe heat stressed plant still looks like it will produce about 1oz once dried. I would post some picture if anybody would be interested in helping identify this problem. All the fan leaves are either turning,"limp and black," or have already died out, with large fan leaves turning yellow and brown from the tips moving towards the nugs I'm worried I should harvest once the "infected part" looks like it will reach the buds. The plants are only a few days away from their 8 week quota, but I would like to give them just a few extra days if possible. Any idea of what this could be, it started at the very tips of the fan leaves and slowly moved down the leaf. From what I've read it seems like it could; be lock-out, over-watering, mites, heat stress.


Active Member
Thanks, I should just enjoy the fact they do look pretty nice. I'm just a little confused why my prized plant of the 3, has decided to show some distress just before week 8 of flowering. At least The cycle has almost completed and I lost little if any yield at all from this. I think budding is part of the plant getting ready to die anyway, so some negative sign should be expected, maybe the plant simply gave all it had to give and decided to start dying.


Active Member
Hey yall, I'm Just Days Away From Harvest. Everything for the most part looks good, although you'll notice from these pictures that the centre plant's fan leaves are having some trouble. This plant is slightly younger than the three so i'm inclined to leave it in a bit longer, bringing it's total to 8 weeks 5 days, but as you see it'd starting to die from the tips inward. Now I'm gussing this is either root lock-out or over-watering. I don't know enough to tell the difference, please help me identify this problem.

I water once every two days, or once soil is dry, I've been using only bat poo 0,1-8-0, and molasses switching back and forth from one watering to the next. So they get a Guano tea about every 5 days. I'm doing this right up until the end because nobody's has told me not to. I figure, since I dont use chemicals, it makes no sense to flush. Now my heat hovers around 92 degrees, I know it's kinda high but overall plants seem alright with the heat.

So I'm just wondering what's bothering my one plant? It may just be a freak thing because the other plants seem completely healthy. The noticible thing to me is the leaf tips becoming black, at first they feel really soft not crispy. There's nothing wrong with the vein of the leaf, it simply wilts from the outside in, and eventually falls off. In the photos, the top leafs look crispy which makes me think they are stressed from being only 2 inches away from a 42 watt light it's top. But again other plants are fine, any insight would be sweet.



Active Member
Try raising that light a couple of inches. Also, see if you can lower the temp.

It's possible it could be nute deficient.


New Member
damn north thats looking fucking gooooooood. propz man u deff know what ur doing, dont take any disrespect from anything ive critical and alot of the time i may b wrong but i try to help as much as possible...but deff looking good man keep up the good work.


Active Member
Thanks Synik4L, glad you stopped by to take a peek.

A nute deficiency eh?..... I wouldn't have guessed that, I was using a 10-15-10 chemical fertilizer for about the first month of flowering, then moved to guano and molasses to finish up as naturally as possible for the last month. They have received some sort of nutes at least every week though? That should be fine.
It seems almost impossible to tell what's wrong with a plant from those plant Troubleshooting picture guides. SO Many problems result in browning leaves that I usually feel tempted to not do anything in fear of making the problem worse. Thanks for the input anyway. Anybody else seen anything like this?


Well-Known Member
Try raising that light a couple of inches. Also, see if you can lower the temp.

It's possible it could be nute deficient.
definately raise the lights or add a fan, 92 is a bit too high, plus you might want to stop watering since you are pretty close to harvest, if you got less than a week to go, just dont give it any more water, will help the buds loose a little water weight before you chop um down:)


New Member
i agree. its so hard to match up a problem with the threads about problems....cus every prob seems to do just about the same thing to the where its hard to tell what exactly the problem is...seems like all my problems have been from either being to hot in the room, over watering, or nute burn....and everytime my plant does the same shit lol...turns alil brown or yellow on the end of the leaves..and wilts alil bit.


Active Member
I think I know why just that one plant was suffering, It's opposite my fan therefor much of the warmer air circulates over it. It's probably a few degrees warmer, therefor 92-96 degrees. Still looks like it's going to give ma an oz, what a little trooper! It still might have the largest top when all's said an' done. This Shiva is pretty sweet, I've dealt it some abuse and it keeps on chuggin'. I can't even imagine what my yield would like like in just optimum temperature.


Active Member
Harvested the oldest Shiva plant yesterday, and after one day of drying it Already Smells Amazing! looks like it will be just under 1 oz dry, but I've never grown weed this dense before so we'll see. I'm leaving the other 2 plants for another 5-7 days and try and get an oz of one of them.

Got another fan, and I have my temp down to 85 finally, but one of my remaining plants has been removed of most of it's larger fan leaves. Oh well.



New Member
u dont think thats to hott? i heard 90+ will kill plants....and by the way i took ur word for it on the mixed spectrum 4 more cfls all 42 watt 2700k bulbs. so now i have a total of 492 watts. hopeing i see some better results. i better cus now i have 16 bulbs in there lol. thx for the info bout it.


Active Member
damn those buds look good man propz
Ya that temperature very nearly killed one of them. I seemed good when the temp stayed at 90 or below, but it got really hot for a couple days and the temp in my grow room went to 98! That was when most of the damage was done to the one plant.


New Member
ya exactly. because of all my cfls during the day i keep my door sheet up so that the heat can escape and it usually stays around 78-82. but then at night when i goto sleep i put the sheet lights go off at 12 at night and come on at 6 in the morning...i usually dont wake up till 9-12 in the mornin everyday depending on whether i have work or not or in that time heat builds up and ill end up gettin to like 85-88 but iv never been over 90 cept one night i closed the door completely b4 i had fans or anything and i woke up and i almost killed them all...but luckily i woke up early and realized i fucked up lol.