Cfl lighting


Active Member
im planning to grow outdoor this upcoming season im going to veg for a month before they go outside ill be using cfl's , how much light (lumens) should each seedling get.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings don't need a lot of light. The question is how many plants do plan to veg?


Active Member
well i just want to get my first grow under my belt so im only growing 2 plants. ill be vegging them for 2-3 weeks then there going outside.


Well-Known Member
For two plants I'd go with 2/3 24 Watt CFLs. The only reason I suggest 24 Watt is they seem to usually be the highest in stock wattage you can buy at a store such as Home Depot. I'm experimenting with 4 lights per plant, but I've had success with 2 per plant.


Well-Known Member
100W(actual watts, not equivalent) should be enough, just keep the lights as close as you can without burning your plant. Keep seedlings further away until they're rooted.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you dont just throw them into natural sunlight/outside environment. Give them a taste of the outdoor environment at first then give them a little more each day. That will keep the stress on the plant to a minimum and build its tolerance to the outside world. Good luck!