CFL Light Penetration-How much is too much?


Hey guys, right now I got four babies in veg the oldest is 13 days the youngest is 3 and I have another seedling on the way. I am using 6 26 watt daylight cfls w/ reflectors and so far they been working great. I've been following the book grow buds for less by SEEMOREBUDS and he recommends flowering on day 16 bcuz cfls have limited penetration. I obviously will not be able to flower on day sixteen as my youngest plant won't even be in veg yet and my other baby will have just sprouted. I was thinking I could counter this problem by allowing my eldest plant to grow for another week+ until the others can catch up and then install 12 23 watt 2700k cfls in addition to the daylight cfls I already have. I'm going to purchase light splitters and 6 additional reflectors. Will this be good to flower 5 plants ur is 18 lights too much heat for a small room?