CFL hood options?


Well-Known Member
ok so heres the scenario..
i have something around a 1x2x3 cab going on,( one of those rubbermaid closet type thingys) and somehow my heat issues were badass!
for now i think i have that covered. my new issue is lighting.
i have 3 68 watt CFL's hanging from the base with the help of some shoestrings.
my financial state is pretty bad so i have to make most of my stuff.
i currently have 2 choices for my CFL hood.
-a tupperware. squared out. enough to fit my lights plus probably more.
-a 5 gallon water bottle. possible to hold more....idk.
i WAS going to chop up the tupperware to make the hood, but would the square be more efficient than cutting the 5 gallon in half and slapping some reflective stuff round it????

i need the lights to be horizontal for more room in my box...
debating wether i should cut a hole in the roof of my box and put the hoods on top of it for more room.
any pointerz will be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
i need a base for all of the lights to hang horizontally.
pop cans sound good for 23 or 44 watters but i have bigger lights.
i need like a single hood for multiple lights..
sooooo square or roundish would best reflect light to the cab????


Well-Known Member
i got reflection down.............................................

i just want to know if i should use a square style or roundish.....................
im going to make a unit that houses multiple lights and i just dont want to hang them all up individually.
i have a tupperware that can hold all the lights, but im thinking a 5 gallon cut in half would be more efficient..