CFL Grow from Seed White Rhino and Bagseed


Well-Known Member
U don't really have to feed from the bottom yet,its more for when ur plants are a bit older i think, coz when the soil dries out and gets wet a number of times, little 'rivers' will form in ur soil and ur water will run straight down these and not completely saturate ur soil.

Though i just saw ur roots comin out the pot already so u could water from bottom if u want,either way.

Nice bushy bitch btw.looks good.


Well-Known Member
Dark,no idea wat ill yeild i don't even try and guess,though i wish i didnt re-top about 8 branches on the blue bucket plant just before flower.I was worried about height & being seen over the fence (took about a foot off each branch.)

Now the branches seem a bit more stretched and havent had enough time to strengthen before flower,hope i didnt fuk with yeild too much.

P.s. Ive taken to watering bottom up a coupleweeks ago,seems to work fine.


Well-Known Member
Hey all. Thank for subscribing 8. Nothing much to report except what i thought were balls growing have turned out to just be new growth. I am sooo happy. I am just a newb and not sure what they look like. The plants were not growing up at all, just getting bushier so i moved the light up a bit to try and get a bit of height about them. They look healthy i think and the one that i mamed with nutes seems to be bouncing back. Here is a few pics of my babies.



Well-Known Member
hey rock, hows the smoke? they look sativa dominant to me. which means they are going to stay sort of short if they are sativa dominant. they are looking good but. nice dark green. looking bigger and better than the last pics. keep growin little ones.
did you see my vids on my thread? i put another one up today. still having camera hassles but. cant get good close up still pics. i might have to get laceygirls camera over here. it takes a good pic.


Well-Known Member
Hey 8 and others. I have had major heat issues from day one and its no better now.Edited. The temps with the cupboard door closed and the lights on are about 100F. I have a fan blowing on the plants and on the large CFL but cant get the temps down. I would rather not have to put another fan in but if thats my only option then so be it. The reason i am sceptical about another fan is that the room temp was about 85 so it would only be bringing in air thats pretty hot already. Is that right or does the fan cool it as it blows? I keep the bedroom door which contains the grow closed and i guess the room heats up over time. Anyway here are the pics and would love to get some advice.



Active Member
Hey rocky try n sack them cfls if you can your growth will explode with a 250w hps, also if u got some spare cash and you are able to cut up your cupboard why dont you put an inlet and exhaust fan in it heat problem semi solved?

If you can keep the fans running as long as you can, and keep them going full time when the lights are on that helps...

Also In my own short experience I have grown fine 35c heat, but I have had temps reach 39c which is too hot.

I can see how they are about to get stretchy for the cfl light, you may wanna start doing some lst otherwise you will end up constantly losing your lower leaves, and you will end up with a tall stalky plant like this pic.

Lst is low stress training, start pulling the branches with string to encourage side growth, instead of vertical growth.:weed:



Well-Known Member
Ok firstly i want to say thankyou for the personal messages and also to the people that have been helping me out on the aussie thread. It was a sad day for me this morning. My girlfriend found me in the spare bedroom sitting on the bed staring at one of my plants which was toast. It is our 5 year anniversary today so not a happy camper for her to put up with on her special day. For those just joining us i had three and over the course i have killed 2, one with nutes and heat, and the other with water. Here is a before and after picture. I will do a few posts as i have been asked about my setup as i want to start on some white rhino seeds that i ordered shortly and i want to get them right.



Well-Known Member
Now some have said that i should have perservered with it and hoped it had recovered but i wanted to use this as a learning tool, as i thought it had gone too far to recover, and so i pulled it out and just examined the roots and the soil just to see the extent of growth that had occured and also the moisture that was still there. Obviously it was very moist. Now i got into this predicament b/c it begun to droop and instead of waiting it out i though it needed more water and unfortunately for my plant my decision was wrong. I gave some bad indicator to people on the aussie thread and therefore there advice to give some water was not correct but still my fault.
Here is it looking droopy. Also i will add that i have now got into the pattern of weighing the pot and writing notes and times etc so that i can have a much more accurate indication of when it might need water.



Well-Known Member
I cant harp on forever and as my chances of getting any smoke out of this one are diminishing in front of my eyes i will tell more about what i have to grow with so that i can hopefully get help so my next grow rocks.

Lights- 1x 130w 14000k CFL (i also have a 2700k bulb for flowering but that may never happen the way captain kill is growing)and 2x 28w 6500 CFL Spotters.

Grow Medium Used- 60% Soil, 20% Perlite and 20% Vermiculite

My pot choice has been a big mistake from day one. Firstly i planted them originally in small pots with no drainage holes and not ones that i wanted to drill holes in. I then tranplanted early into similar size pots with drain holes after reading its essential. I then transplanted too early into rather large ones, as show in my pics where they have remained or died. I think i can get it right the next time. This was a shit move as they couldnt even fit under the lights properly.

Air Flow- Small desk fan, no idea of the power but small. I think its in some past pictures.

The nutes i used were firstly, some fish emolsion 9-2-6 but of low quality by the looks. It was left in the house when i bought it by the old owners. I thought that it was crap and weak so i mixed it at about 3 times the recommended and needless to say kill number 1 occured. i have now bought some stuff called nitrosol and its not organic but 10-2-7 on ratios. This i have used once since they recovered from my last bout of stupidity at 1/2 strength. Again not sure if its any good.

I have an empty cupboard i am using as you can see in past photos.

What i want to achieve is to have at least one good white rhino plant. I understand that my lights are not HID but i have read many, many grows on here that have been done with good results with less than what i have. The heat in the cupboard is an issue too. It averages about 90F at all times. I dont have an open window but i do leave the cupboard open and same with the door to the rest of the house.

Bring on your suggestions as i need it. One plant left and i want everyone to cross their fingers for me as at the moment i have hit rock bottom. Thankyou again for your time and i will reward with +rep to those that take the time to give good advice. Cheers Rocksteady6.


Active Member
OMG, why you rip it out for LOL, these are weeds after all. The plant would have bounced back,:roll: Seriously nexted grow consider startin out in cups, so much easier to start in. And much easier to drunk a cup in water, also this way u see how damp the lower soil is. Also try 50/50 soil/perlie, as vermiclte has weight and you may think you pot is wetter than it is, Also more perlite will help with oxygen and drainage.;-)


Well-Known Member
This will make you laugh. I just got this PM.

MR. MAGNUM said:
Your grow looks awesome rocksteady, you should post it on my new site We could use more people like yourself.

He cant have read my I forgot to mention a few things that about my grow. The lights i have switched a little between 24/0 and 18/6 as i get mixed feedback but next time i think i will go 18/6 through veg and keep that constant. i am sure they both have there merits. Here is an overall picture of the setup as we speak. DarkC it was sad to see her go but she was a gonner. I should also say that since i put them in pots big enough to have a bath they didnt fit under the lights but i wont make that mistake again.

