cfl for veg question..


Active Member
the 200W Full spectrum fluro for veg?? I have a homebox xs for the veg period. my plants are almost 2months old they are stretching (about 10" tall with no nodes only leafs) because I decided to use 2x 40W cfls for the first month n a half, now i have been using a 125W full spectrum light and I am going to upgrade in a few days to the 200 because I will most likely run out of room in my box. I have about 5 plants that already showed sex (female pistils) :D
But I want them to get bigger and have some nodes before I transplant them into buckets and let my hps do the job.

well anyways back to my question.. I would like to know if the 200W full spect
*pictured here*
ValuTek Compact Fluorescent Light 200W - TekSupply

will be enough to keep my babies from stretching anymore and will it be able to penetrate through the leafs and make the plants bush out a little bit more instead of shootin up.



Well-Known Member
Uh yeah, Damn that a light. I wish i could try that out. I got a switchable mh hps ballast and it a pain sometimes. I need to look at some mh/hps bud pics soon or i gonna cry why didnt i go cfl!


Active Member
you have mh and hps why complain? the reason I am not getting mh is because I am going to be runing both the flower chamber and the veggie cab at the same time I dont want to arouse suspicion Id rather stick to cfl while they grow up then put them full on bloom with the hps.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't have had stretching from even the small CFL's, you must have had them too far away. No matter what size cfl you get the trick is to run them as close as possible, mere inches away, otherwise they're just simply no good at all.


Active Member
well by node I dont mean actuale node because I obviously have those :) ment internodes.. the kind I can make clones from :D yea heh. anyways the whole time I started the babies from seed the light was no further than 2" away from tops :( will my 200W help my situation?? I want to take clones from like 2 or 3 strains so I can have moms. but I kind of cant at the moment :(..

Thanks for the input guys.