cfl, first soil grow.


Well-Known Member
hell yea that is! im right behind u hydro! haha those look good though its budding pretty qwik! looks like quite a bit of bud sites

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Yeah It has 30 or more bud sites.. I moved her into her own little closet, and on monday I think I will be adding 105 wt cfl so it can really take off, the buds seem to gain weight everyday! Smell's sort of like a skunk strain



hey dude, your plant is looking happy, that fox farms soil is the SH!T.
Maybe try some 1/2 soda can reflectors on the outside of the side cfls, redirecting the lost light back towards the plant.
A 42 watt cfl should be 1-3 inches away from plant matter anything further will reduce lumen output. Mine droppped 75% from 1 inch to 3 inches.
And if you like the the plant you have and want to clone it, you still can. At around 21 days flowering you can take flowering clones and revert them back to a 18/6- 24/0 light cycle. THEY WILL GO NUTS. (see: monster cropping)
have a great day :)

lol, duuude. that picture where you can see your cfl lights is really tripping me out. Are those fan leaves upside down or right side up XD

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
hey dude, your plant is looking happy, that fox farms soil is the SH!T.
Maybe try some 1/2 soda can reflectors on the outside of the side cfls, redirecting the lost light back towards the plant.
A 42 watt cfl should be 1-3 inches away from plant matter anything further will reduce lumen output. Mine droppped 75% from 1 inch to 3 inches.
And if you like the the plant you have and want to clone it, you still can. At around 21 days flowering you can take flowering clones and revert them back to a 18/6- 24/0 light cycle. THEY WILL GO NUTS. (see: monster cropping)
have a great day :)

lol, duuude. that picture where you can see your cfl lights is really tripping me out. Are those fan leaves upside down or right side up XD
haha thanks for stoppin by and sweet, I think i'll be lining that room with mylar foil pretty soon. And what do you mean? Yeah they are sticking up, they are perky and healthy looking, and I can finally see some resin production, I opened up that door this morning to get the lights, and the smell of skunk hit me haha


in the cfl light pic (3rd post this page), it looks like the leaves have an optical illusion effect. Can't tell i which way up the leaves are:P oh, and i'm rethinking my coke can reflector idea after you said about the mylar covering :)
they look great though, and you seem to be having a great time:) happy harvest man :)

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Alright here's some updated pics. It seems to be doing okay, but there is a couple leaves looking pretty bad, any idea on causes and ways to fix it? In the 3'rd pic you can see some decent trich production



Well-Known Member
looks good! does the smell leave the room? im not sure what to do other than carbon filter! im prayin th smell from my 1024 isnt real bad and if it is stays to just my room


Great looking grow man! I hope my setup comes out a fraction as well as yours. After seeing this, I decided to seek out the fox farm soil, as so far I hadn't seen it for sale locally.

By the way, I wouldn't be worried about leaves near the bottom dying, everything I have read and seen says that is normal, just pick them off. Also, seems like your plant could enjoy some trimming so that light gets in a bit more, but at the same time, its looking really good, maybe dont screw with success :p


Well-Known Member
Great looking grow man! I hope my setup comes out a fraction as well as yours. After seeing this, I decided to seek out the fox farm soil, as so far I hadn't seen it for sale locally.

By the way, I wouldn't be worried about leaves near the bottom dying, everything I have read and seen says that is normal, just pick them off. Also, seems like your plant could enjoy some trimming so that light gets in a bit more, but at the same time, its looking really good, maybe dont screw with success :p

Dont trim it doesnt do anything good for tree especially in flower! and ur yellowing leaves are not normal that is a deficiency! the only time leaves yellow are wen the plant isnt getting what it needs so it takes it from lower fan leaves instead.just for some advice u might want to start reading into more experienced growers threads...what good can trimming and ingoring a trees deficiency do?

ssorry hydro not to sure what that problem is but ill look into it if i was u


sweet grow dude. do you know what size pot your using? im looking to transplant my babies soon and that pot/plant size looks perfect for my grow space