CFL bagseed rubbermaid stealth grow box (lst)


Well-Known Member
well casper... from what i have heard, sativas are the hardest to grow... but its cool, it will prepare you for almost any strain... the mystery of unknown bag seed is a perfect learning tool... you learn a lot from stuff you dont know too much about... genetics and shit... how long are you gonna let it flower? i think i will let my plant flower till it is really ripe once i have it revveged enough to get some clones going... i am considering doing a shot glass sog... it seems like a good idea for now... i guess i wont know how good of an idea it is till i try... this one grower on icmag used to do sog style grows with 20oz bottles cut down into containers... well thanks for the piks and looking forward to more... and good luck with your lady... do you think it will still be inflowering till you move or are you gonna flower it in your new apartment as well?


Well-Known Member
one thing i have learned about growing is there is no time frame for it... i guess there is once you have your strains calculated rite, then you can sorta plan dates of harvest and what not... but until then, we all assume when things will happen with no knowledgable information... muh bad brother... i am rambling... i'll be back... i gotta go clear my mind and smoke a bowl... thanks again for following my page homie...


Well-Known Member
one thing i have learned about growing is there is no time frame for it... i guess there is once you have your strains calculated rite, then you can sorta plan dates of harvest and what not... but until then, we all assume when things will happen with no knowledgable information... muh bad brother... i am rambling... i'll be back... i gotta go clear my mind and smoke a bowl... thanks again for following my page homie...

So true so true. The only plant I've had come within a week of breeder spec was my Great White Shark. My Burmese Kush I just harvested was rated at 7 1/2 weeks by T H seeds. I took her to 10 weeks and buds still weren't finished, I mean they had 80% red hairs although trichs were 100% cloudy not an amber one. I had to chop early cause I had family coming in town but it all goes to show you never know whats gonna happen till you fimilarize yourself with the strain. I really want to buy some more Great White Shark seeds haha.



Well-Known Member
yeah no doubt man... i am still super nervous about ordering strains from breeders due to the fact of my state being no where close to being medicinal... and the way i see it, we will prolly be one of the last medicnal states if history is correct... my state is always last for kool shit...


Well-Known Member
was the burmese still pretty good even with you cutting early? not trying to jack your thread casper... just a question i had, and now seemed like a good time to ask...


Active Member
micro- i will be flowering for another 5 1/2 weeks, i should be ready to cut before christmas and i am going to cure in a jar for at least a month :) hopefully that will give me a good stash to break in the new apt.

but i signed a 18mo lease at the new place so i have tons of time to get some good bud grown. and imma get a setup almost like GFK, with the sun tent and the 400w hps and all that and i will then grow my good genes one at a time and i will be using all organic soil and i am going to get better organic nutes and make sure i am anal about everything i add to it. i want it done 100% :)


Well-Known Member
Oh dude the burmese is the shit. I can take a good three big tokes and be freaking blazed. A couple more and just be useless. Pack another bowl and I'm turning to mush haha.



Active Member
soory to say but this grow will nolonger be updated.
there was a breach in security and things had to be moved. look for my next grow in jan next year


Well-Known Member
damn homie.. that sux real bad... do you mind explaining the security breach if its not too invasive... just wondering.. i can sorta learn more about security of growing if you dont mind letting us learn from your "mistakes" if you even made any... not saying you fucked up... shit happens... just curious if anything...


Active Member
growing in apt building come with high risk at any point in time. got early warning that the complex was doing sweeps of all building to check for illegal pets (people that never paid pet deposit and are housing pets) and they were doing extensive searches of each unit. had to up and move everything out in a few hours and the plant did not survive the move.... went into shock and all the new growth stopped and the older growth fell off into the pot. sucks, but im glad i moved it. they checked closets and patio closets for animals... but i will be in a new place in january and i will be starting my new MK-ULTRA grow, One femm seed, a 10 gal pot, and all organic soil and nutes/frets with a 400w HPS.

see you guys in january :) happy holidays


Well-Known Member
damn... that is the reason till i waited till i got in my own crib... damn man... i guess better safe than sorry... your future grow is gonna be killer i think... i guess the mk stands for master kush (one of my faves), yeah you ae gonna have one nice grow going on... just be careful with those fem seeds... i heard they were easily hermie influenced... but hell, even with a hermie, you'll be able to get a lil stoned and alot more seeds of the strain... i think the only thing you would have to do to get more femmed seeds is pollinate your fem with hermie pollen to eliminate male genetics...