CFL Autoflower: Vertigo, 2nd Grow


It has begun. This is a Vertigo autoflower from Paradise seeds. You can see the new leaves sprouting have a little shade of purple to them--do purple plants show purple leaves this early? Could be a good phenotype.

MG Organic Choice potting mix w/ ~30-40% Perlite
3 FF fertilizers (not using those yet... the MG soil pretty much covers an autoflower for the entire grow... I start using during flowering)
CFL's (6 total, ~17650 lumens, 291w): 85w 5500k (on now), 2 27w 5000k (one on now), 2 42w 2700k (one on now), 68w 2700k
fan, 3-speed
thermometer/humidity (broken)
Something like 3-4 gal bowl (it's in a solo cup for now)
Officially into the 4th week of veg. 8 in tall now. She looks just about ready to flower. Slightly burned tips due to the MG Organic Choice soil. I haven't fed it anything and I don't plan on feeding it until flowering, if at all. All comments welcome

32 days total after breaking soil, 6 days flowering.
Doing pretty well. I gave it some FF nutes yesterday (first time feeding). I used .25 tsp/gal tiger bloom and 1 tsp/gal big bloom. I'm only feeding it every other week until it really starts budding, because you can see the MG Organic Soil already has plenty of food in it due to the yellow tips. It drooped a bit yesterday when I watered, but as you can see today it has rebounded from that already.

She's sitting in a great temp, but the overall climate needs to be a bit more humid. I'll be fixing that asap.

All comments welcome

Day 41

I need some input...

I think she looks N deprived... but I'm not sure if it's that or nute burn. Really hoping someone can shed some light on this issue. The tips have always been a bit burned but now the fan leaves are going yellow. I know the plant starts to pull nutes from the leaves toward the end of flowering, so I'm worried this is a bit premature.



Any suggestions?


Active Member
How are those plants turning out? Sorry I can't be of any help, I'm currently working on my first grow and am also growing Vertigo. I do have to say that my plants did the same at around days 35-40. Just a couple yellowing leaves that died off, I do believe I was feeding too lightly, which I increased the amount of tiger bloom I was currently using which was 1 1/2 tbsp of tiger bloom per liter of water to 2 tbsp per liter. It seems to have taken care of the problem, hopefully someone can give you useful info as I'm a first time grower. Good luck with your babies.
How are those plants turning out? Sorry I can't be of any help, I'm currently working on my first grow and am also growing Vertigo. I do have to say that my plants did the same at around days 35-40. Just a couple yellowing leaves that died off, I do believe I was feeding too lightly, which I increased the amount of tiger bloom I was currently using which was 1 1/2 tbsp of tiger bloom per liter of water to 2 tbsp per liter. It seems to have taken care of the problem, hopefully someone can give you useful info as I'm a first time grower. Good luck with your babies.
Thanks for the input.

Actually, the yellowing has gotten a lot worse. I'm a bit worried. I don't know if I'm under feeding or if I'm locking out N somehow. I want to lean toward an N lockout. I'm using MG Organic Choice soil which has fert in it, so I think it's getting plenty of food. My plan is to flush tomorrow. Anyone else have any insight?



Active Member
Damn bro, sucks nobody has been able to help you out with this issue, hopefully flushing will help out, best of luck


I like to give my plants a little epsom salts (Magnesium sulphate), maybe that could help - or a bigger pot next time.
I know its late for your post but if anyone encounters this problem with their plants leaves it is a magnesium deficiency. You must use cal/mag nutrients in your water or 2 tsp of Epsom salt for root and leave application. Cal/mag deficiency is a big problem with autos so it should be an essential part of your fert lineup.
Hope this helps