CEOs win the wage wars


New Member
Rob the Poor and Give Billions to the Rich
While working class people were burying their dead in New York City, GM, GE, IBM, Enron and other Fortune 500 companies who put Bush into power were paying off their lackeys in Congress. The so-called "Economic Stimulus" bill gives tax cuts to the corporate fat cats to the tune of $70 billion a year.

But this soak-the-poor-to-give-to-the-rich scam isn't just for next year to stimulate the economy, it's RETROACTIVE FOR 15 YEARS! So IBM will get $1.4 billion, GM $833 million, GE $671 million, etc. Enron, the Houston energy company and a major Bush supporter, would get $254 million. Guess what ordinary workers get!
Bush has already given away $40 billion of our hard-earned tax dollars to war profiteering CEOs. But the Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the recent House-passed bill would provide only $2.3 billion in supplemental unemployment benefits by the end of next September, 2002. The airline industry alone got a $15 billion bailout package, and they have laid off 100,000+ Americans with families to support.

This year CEOs gave themselves, through a board vote (with other CEO's siting on these boards), on average a 22% raise. Executive pay jumped 571% between 1990 and 2000. If the minimum wage, which stood at $3.80 an hour in 1990, had grown at the same rate as CEO pay over the decade, it would now be $25.50 an hour, instead of $5.15 an hour.