cedar wood?


Active Member
Okay so last year i had a pretty badass plant i grew as my first grow, and this year i was experimenting with indoor, and while it's nice to control the temps, i think outside is for me.

Anyway! I recently moved into this new house, and the lawn has all kinds of little critters! worst thing for a marijuana grower.

i heard from a good friend/grower of mine that if you put cedar wood around the outside of your outdoor grow area, it will keep ALL bugs away!
how true is this? and how well will it work?

i'd really like to grow out&in this year.

thanks, & blazee forward.:clap::leaf:


Active Member
Aeromatic cedar has been known to repel some (NOT ALL) insects. they don't like the smell of the wood (obviously).

Around here cedar is kinda expensive. If you get it from a lumber yard that is. I don't know if you planned on chopping down a few trees to get the wood, at that point it might be a little difficult.

You could always go with some chemicals. They repel insects for sure.

That or some beneficial insects, like lady bugs or praying mantis. They will eat EVERYTHING in the area (but not your plants).

James Bond

Well-Known Member
I believe that cedar is also acidic, I don't know how much though. Just thought it would be important to mention that. You could grow some garlic around your crop, I've heard that garlic helps to repel insects.