cd reflectiveness???


Well-Known Member
for my outdoor plants last year, I put cd's around the base of my plants. Don't know if they did anything but I was high.


Well-Known Member
Put up some white poster board if you're too lazy to paint. I would suggest butcher paper, but that might pose more of a fire hazard than heavier card stock.


Well-Known Member
oh i already have poly black n white thingy magiggy lol i was just really bored, contemplating of upgrading my g-room cuz im new n only growing 2 plants, n theres not much to don this is where i started to place cds everywhere n just to make sure i asked riu


Well-Known Member
Because it's the next best thing to flat white paint. Mylar is a bit more reflective, but kind of hard to work with. The black & white poly stuff is much better in that regard.

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
Cmon man you got me trying to break a chain with a brick???
Man lets go get some pussy deebo!

Yo man you gonna stop hittin me like that man,
Im gonna bust yo ass like Craig did
knock yo fuckin eye straight!...

haha ;)