Caught with a bag of weed


Well-Known Member
I got off pretty easy cause the the local sheriff is cool out in these parts and he's raising his family down the street from me. I'm not sure what a bag of weed or a plant will cost you in your neck of the woods. Any stories of getting caught or advice on fighting the charges/legislator would be much appreciated. Here are some stories with a few facts from around our nation and some ideas for a new way.

Caught with a Bag of Weed? It Could Cost You More Than You Think | DrugReporter | AlterNet


New Member
I got off pretty easy cause the the local sheriff is cool out in these parts and he's raising his family down the street from me. I'm not sure what a bag of weed or a plant will cost you in your neck of the woods. Any stories of getting caught or advice on fighting the charges/legislator would be much appreciated. Here are some stories with a few facts from around our nation and some ideas for a new way.

Caught with a Bag of Weed? It Could Cost You More Than You Think | DrugReporter | AlterNet
How about caught with 30 Kilos? Remind me some time to tell that episode of my young life.


Well-Known Member
this shit has got to stop.
well like i said, it wasn't a big deal for me. first offences are easy. after that the shit gets real bad. my brother is fucked. they gave him 10 years for a $300 job. I'm not sure how much i got to pay for his time since i live in the same state and that's who has him right now, but I'm sure it's more than $300 once you add up how much he eats and shits within the period of 10 years. it sucks that i got to drive 88 miles so his 12yr old little girl can see him. we ride out every 2 weeks. i'd take her more but gas is fucking crazy right now...


Well-Known Member
10 years for possession of a weed? Sounds fair to me. NOT.

2 years. you only serve 20% of your time around these parts. every place is full around here so we get a bargain on time served. to bad violent offenders get the same discount.


Well-Known Member
They took other things in consideration like stealing his mothers check book to give to the dealer or taking half her prescription for pain right after her open heart surgery so he could trade for some meth. whoever is using the checks has gotten close to 3 grand and some stores have lawyers calling threatening to sue. My mother dropped all charges from her son but it stayed on his record and the investigation is still open. oh and the federal government doesn't care if old mom drops the charges. they still want someone to serve some time. Because this was not his first offence and he has a history of drug abuse, the judge made his 2 counts run consecutively giving him a total of 10yrs minus 8yrs because of overcrowding. it seemed the right thing to do. we will see if prison time helps or hurts my brother. but yeah two 5yr sentences running back to back does sound harsh...


Well-Known Member
i was caught with a 30 sac and they gave me a years probation and drugtests thats it.
yeah, i'm guessing your first offence and it's a misdemeanor in your state. just don't get caught a second time or you'll be fighting a felony. I've been pulled over for having a car full of funky smelling smoke and the cop just took my weed and let me go. about a third of the states have already decriminalized possession but trafficing is still a serious crime and I hope medicanman can share the cost of it with us sometime. It's hard to single out what judges are handing out for second offences on marijuana charges alone because usually there are other charges mixed into the final sentence. And my brothers charges extend from meth abuse and we all know someone or personally have abused meth. it is the most terrible disease that a person chooses to give themselves. But, from what i've seen, RIU has nothing what so ever to do with meth. If cops are as easy on me for marijuana charges as everyone else out there then we have nothing to worry about except the cost of the destruction of our property and keeping repeat offenders feed sheltered and clothed for years. I was weeks from harvesting when they took my plant and some small buds from my first grow. I still feel it was an unjustified destruction of my property and i've told my family about it; no one in the family does any illicit drugs except my brother). They feel it is unjust as well and support my activism but wish i'd find an alternative drug preferably prescribed by a doctor until weed becomes legal.

So only two people on RIU has ever been caught with a bag of weed?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
In my younger days - mid 1970s I was pulled over with a doob in the car that was lit. I ate the doob, but the car reeked. Under my seat was a box with about 8 ounces bagged up in different amounts for sale. I was making my rounds to the bars selling bags. The cops searched me, emptied my personal stash from my pocket on the side of the road and sent me on my way. That was the end of my distribution career. Too close for comfort. Felt good to dodge the bullet. Only an idiot would not see that as an opportunity or get out of jail free card, and free I have stayed.


Well-Known Member
Under my seat was a box with about 8 ounces bagged up in different amounts for sale.
in my state, the worst you can get for less than 8ozs(bagged or not) is what THC.Easyas1,2,3 got which was probation along with drug testing which means you give up weed for one year or else. The latter alone would suck so bad i'd have to piss dirty and let them give me the worst of the worst, put in a drug rehab to break me from the two small bowls of weed a day i use. I don't know why but i have no fear of detox right now. to me it sounds like a nice get away from this caos i am living in right now. I will miss the kids though. They love to hold all that shit over your head by the way. sometimes i'll go a day or two before i realize i need to hit the bowl once but i'll let them throw me in an overcrowded detox full of meth users and alcoholics having a really rough time and it will only reconfirm that marijuana is safer than alcohol or meth in so many ways and we all know this by know. it's just a damn shame is all.

we are making turns in the right direction. the news on is that Argentina has decriminalize marijuana and it's consumption. The coolest news i heard all week. I'm a former republican(changed parties because of i've been bushed) now a registered independent who looked through for a candidate who is willing to decriminalize marijuana. I found only one and he seems to be leading at the moment. My primary is coming up but they are closed so all i can do is sit back and watch. besides it takes your local politics to really change. to this date we have dry counties bordering mine and there seems to be no one at arms about it. my county stops selling alcohol after midnight. It was put in place to keep drunks from running back to the store all throughout the night but it's hard to run a bar or restaurant here because the party usually starts around that time so we only have a few and they are run down. we don't have any deaths caused by drunk drivers on record here.


Well-Known Member
ah fuck. i just realized i started this in the wrong section. i'm kinda new to forums and spent the last half year posting in my grow journal. we got something called legal edge that sounds right up my ally. haven't opened it yet cause i got really embarrassed and finally understood why old medican man aint telling the story. can somebody move this to legal edge then forget this happened please? we just might get that story after all


Well-Known Member
ah fuck. i just realized i started this in the wrong section. i'm kinda new to forums and spent the last half year posting in my grow journal. we got something called legal edge that sounds right up my ally. haven't opened it yet cause i got really embarrassed and finally understood why old medican man aint telling the story. can somebody move this to legal edge then forget this happened please? we just might get that story after all
first phase in the operation was a complete success stop
the revolution will be televised stop
thank you fdd stop


Well-Known Member
I got it all on tape and as soon as i set up an account on youtube you'll see some of the funniest shit ever recorded

second phase half assed but i got her done none the less

third phase should be a lot of fun. i'm praying every day that it will be the last and our troops will come home and are prisons will stop spilling over with folks just wanting to smoke some pot and have some fun. or maybe someone like me who is apparently a complete psycho and needs to be institutionalized. you know i found out last week they still use shock therapy to treat deep depression. i say get the poor bastard high and see what happens:eyesmoke: couldn't hurt as much as the fucking shocks would :shock: besides most folks in the nut house are so druged up they don't even know where they are or whats happening to them in the first place. we are living in a sick society and we need a nice big shot in the ass like they gave me last week. I swear it seems the lord started speaking to me ever since. Those nurses in the crazy house got the best drugs on the market, trust me...i know