Carport Greenhouse 2010


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that mygirls!
I've had no luck with re-veging after they've started to flower outdoors. I never get good buds after that, they're "leafy".

So I make sure they don't start!

The WW's in the back just hit 4'X4'!

Here's Molly on patrol.

doubleJ, how do you make sure they dont start flowering once you put them out? i run into that problem every year it seems...


Well-Known Member
Thanks peps. Now to answer a few questions.

Only the top is plastic, the walls are mesh & let air thru. The wind just blows thru. Haven't had any mildew but I did loose 1 plant to Spyder mites.

My plans for controlling them was, each plant has been topped at least once. The WW's twice. & 8' wire cages. I had not planned beyond that.

The plants are as far apart as I could & still get 6 plants inside. They are about 5' apart.



Well-Known Member
I use a very complicated method for keeping them in veg. 100w GE bulb & a drop light & timer. The plants have been on 18/6 since Jan.
It gets dark around 9:00pm, so the light comes on at 3:00am. I'll keep the light on until Aug.

Here's a pic from last month that shows the light.




Well-Known Member
Nice cages those should be looking good now. Well I'm glad the ones I put in the ground never tried to flower this year. Keep up the great work. Dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they look good right now, I posted some pic's a page back. I'll post a new video tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Thank you my friend. The 4th of July is a very special day for me. I cherish our freedoms very much.

Happy Independence day to you and your's Hodge, let's all enjoy our freedoms today!



Well-Known Member
Here's a video update from the greenhouse, today July 4th.

I've added a 4'x8' sheet of remesh wire to the top of the 8' tall cages on the WW's. I will attempt to scrog them. I sure hope this works!




Well-Known Member
Beautiful! Great job with the scrog! Thats exactly what I was thinking about doing with the two largest PK..... but will I have enough time and materials to get it done? hehe

cool video, lovin it, :)


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to see how the screen works for you because I really need to keep my plants under 5 feet.

Happy 4th.


Active Member
Nice vid doublejj. I look forward to seeing how effective the mesh screen is for you. Good luck with the SCROG, cheers.


Active Member
Sorry Lerry, I forgot to answer your question. No this is no substitue for a real greenhouse, but for what I do it works great. I don't count on it for any security, just cover & concelment. And protection from moths! Argh! No my security is stealth & 8' solid wood fence. Molly keeps them on the correct side of the fence. I don't even let the meter reader in, I read my own meter. I let Molly bark & growl at the door every Halloween, so all the neighborhood kids get a close look at her, angry! And I give out the BIG candy bars on purpose. Works!

Here's a view from the street, stealth


Lol, big candy bar's you say; lucky enough there's not to many kid's around where I live, and I also have a 3rd of an acre. Thanks, + Rep


Well-Known Member
some VERY NICE WORK you are a master gardner , one of the grow gods and i bow down to you

he sun screen mesh on top why not sides as well the hole thing is it because you can see through it and not see through the plastic do both aloow the same amount of sun through
