

Well-Known Member
helo i want to become a caregiver again mi old patient didn't renew his card i am looking for a new patient
i have everything to grow and supply good medicine


Well-Known Member
dam none . a lot of people is complaining about not been able to find caregiver i am offering mi service and not 1 single reply dam


Well-Known Member
and this is how people get busted.. lol.. not smart even if your legal.. if you cant find a patient your bud isn't as good as you think it is

shits garbage.. and u shouldn't call that medicine sorry.. but that's ALL pulled early. keep growing then call yourself a CAREGIVER.. your patient went elsewere because your stuff wasn't worth it..


Well-Known Member
you dont know me and obliviously have to attack me to make your self look good but thats ok
if you see the pics my plants are perfectly healthy and of course i have harvested those ones early
because mi patient die not because he left me
so instead of trying to make me look bad you could ask what happened that plant looks like harvest early
or if you were a good person and think i dont know how to grow you could offer teaching or giving some advice
because thers not enough caregiver for so many patients
i see you are not here to help