Caregiver - Looking for Patients


Hey all, I'm getting into the growing game and should have my set up done by the end of April. I'm looking for a patient who needs a caregiver. I currently have not picked a strain to grow, but I will be getting clones from a friend of mine and I will have a choice between heavy Indica, or a variety of Indica-Sativa mixes. I will charge only what I need to keep my operation up and running, so my fee will be LOW. I am more than happy to provide medicine before my first harvest, but the prices are much steeper then I foresee mine being as I do have to buy it from someone else. I promise good results as I will have friends who have been growing for years helping me.

If you are interested or have any questions please contact me here.

Thank you.


Hey there... Still looking for patients?
Hey there KelliKat, I currently have one patient, but I can fit another. I think we should talk about what your needs are first though. Like how much you need on a weekly basis, and what kind of condition you suffer from so I can see if I would be the best caregiver for your particular situation.

If you would like to exchange e-mails to chat please let me know. (I don't check this site all that often I check my e-mail several hundred times a day. haha)

Thanks for responding. Let me know!