Cards in Vancouver, WA area?????????????????


Hi Friends,
My mom-in-law has had back surgury and is in terrible pain. She also has respitory issues. So two questions:

Any contact info for a place in Vancouver that can help her get a card?, and

If you had lung problems, what would use suggest as a good intake method (eating, oil, etc?).

Always appreciate the help all.


Active Member
There is a few different organizations that will write recommendations. Not sure on the exact whereabouts but I would imagine there is one near Vancouver. Look up THCF and CBR medical to see locations. She could make butter and use that in/on stuff, she could make oil and capsulate and/or put in with pastas etc.


Well-Known Member
With lung trouble the best method from what I've been told is a vaporizer or imo oils edibles are good to but much harder to control your high I personally prefer oils vap I'm still waiting to try lol