Carbon filter causing plant issues??


Active Member
Hello everyone, I'm having a problem I can't seem to figure out and I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this. I have a 10" vortex fan on my pro100 filter and the plant closest to it turns to fluff and the leaves turn black...I also had a bag c02 above it which I have now removed. It has happened with two separate strains and only affects the closest plant. Any ideas would be appreciated. Sorry about the hps being on it the pic.



Active Member
Pardon my stupidity, but VE your saying that the fan/filter are sucking the moisture out of the plant? I can't pump it out of the room because I have c02 but I can probably move the filter away from the plants if you think that will help.


Active Member
Will do. Just seemed odd because I never had a problem when I had a 8" fan but the pull of the 10" must be the difference. I will try it and we'll see. Thanks guys.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
between the airflow and suction near the plant yes. the carbon dust the fan is kicking out is acting like a desiccant. probably gets hirsty faster than the others too right?


Active Member
between the airflow and suction near the plant yes. the carbon dust the fan is kicking out is acting like a desiccant. probably gets hirsty faster than the others too right?
Ok. I'll be honest I haven't noticed cause I run coco and water everyday but I'm sure your correct.