Capitalism 2.0


Well-Known Member
Right around the time you tried to act like you're not a republican.
I've never denied being conservative, still am. I've always denied being republican. I voted for Gary J, don't forget.

You want people to have an open mind...but, if someone ever changed, you would ridicule them.


New Member
I've never denied being conservative, still am. I've always denied being republican. I voted for Gary J, don't forget.

You want people to have an open mind...but, if someone ever changed, you would ridicule them.
Did abandon previously support ronny pawlski?


Well-Known Member
I've never denied being conservative, still am. I've always denied being republican. I voted for Gary J, don't forget.

You want people to have an open mind...but, if someone ever changed, you would ridicule them.
Take a dose of your own. There was a time when I was optimistic about the inevitable Obomney presidency. I never lied about him, I never found a way to allow myself to support his actions that I despised (like UncleBuck) and yes I voted for him in 08. Now I can't criticize him with out you throwing it in my face. Gary Johnson is fucking garbage. "Libertarian Party" is an oxymoron. He would hand the country to Wall St. same as Dubya, same as Obama. You can't call yourself a libertarian if you worship the constitution as holy writ. If you think you can because "it limits gov't" you're just a republican statist. That is the essence of the GOP platform, just like "the constitution empowers gov't" is the Dem platform.

So don't stare at my feet while you stand in that bullshit.


New Member
Did echelon1k1 previously support an antiwar socialist who intends to cut the military budget by over 30%?

*edit* ok I'm wrong, you never did.

I misread post 14 of this thread.
I will admit I thought a couple of his are worth consideration, I agree with pawlski' stance on the military budget, cutting it down would be very beneficial and that also extends to the national security establishment... Too much operational concurrency and way too many agencies competing for a piece of the pie... When an agency fails time and time again in fulfilling it's most basic tasking, it's time to go back to the drawing board instead of increasing budgets and further convoluting an already "black" world, then hoping for the best!

I also agreed with his stance on the FED and his attempts to introduce legislation to open the books for a full and public audit.


Well-Known Member
I will admit I thought a couple of his are worth consideration, I agree with pawlski' stance on the military budget, cutting it down would be very beneficial and that also extends to the national security establishment... Too much operational concurrency and way too many agencies competing for a piece of the pie... When an agency fails time and time again in fulfilling it's most basic tasking, it's time to go back to the drawing board instead of increasing budgets and further convoluting an already "black" world, then hoping for the best!

I also agreed with his stance on the FED and his attempts to introduce legislation to open the books for a full and public audit.
I wasn't calling Rawn Pawl a socialist, he is definitely right wing. Jill Stein is a socialist and I thought you were showing support for her in your comment. You weren't supporting a socialist who wants to cut the military budget.


Well-Known Member
But yes, I'm aware you're a right wing nut chem trail fluoride gold buyer who blames the Bilderberg trilateral illuminati for the ills of capitalism. Indeed, you think that a ruling class is a good alternative to a gov't. I don't see the difference between the two.


Well-Known Member
AC having a civil conversation with Echelon? Never thought I'd live to see the day...


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Adam Smith was a statist.

I'm just going to keep repeating the same arguments with you because you just keep repeating the same BS with me. I like you, don't get me wrong. You're genuinely a peaceful and honest guy. You're just wrong. Voluntaryism will not prevent the monopolization of natural resources. It will foster it.

However, anarchosyndicalism would not take your personal property from you.

The state exists to protect private property.

I appreciate your proviso. Perhaps the question becomes, "what is property" and what is morally justifiable to own?

I think we agree that people in their physical body should have full ownership. I am most precious and basic "property", just as others are for themselves. Further we agree that a person should own their personal possessions, although that is an area that some would claim should have limitations.

I think it is possible to "own" land and some natural resources and still be morally just. In order to "own" something, I believe a person must actively make improvements to claim ownership. For instance a subsistence farmer. Does he not own the crops, the field of crops he tends, the barn and the implements?

I understand your point and frankly think your argument has merit about "excessive" ownership of resources. I recognize that most land ownership at one time or another began with one person or group displacing another, so much of "ownership" has an origin in an immoral taking.

I don't think with voluntaryism you automatically get a monopoly of private ownership replacing the monopoly of government. I think it's possible but highly unlikely.

The state CAN exist to protect private property, in some instances. However the state ALWAYS exists to protect itself....even at the expense of private property.


New Member
But yes, I'm aware you're a right wing nut chem trail fluoride gold buyer who blames the Bilderberg trilateral illuminati for the ills of capitalism. Indeed, you think that a ruling class is a good alternative to a gov't. I don't see the difference between the two.
Not right wing, geo-engineering exists, fluoride is a great thing especially when you can filter it out of your drinking water, I don't trade gold, Bilderberg and Trilaterals are real organisations with stated goals, not sure about Weishaupts illuminati and I don't believe in socialism or communism nor whatever oxymoronic ideology you're pushing today (which by the way changes with the wind)

So do tell us how your life in Mexico is paid for by the American taxpayers and how, exactly, that equates to defying an empire...?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yeah, rightie..just go back and fixin' yerself up for Boner and his band of freaks to "shut down" the government because it worked so well when Newt did it.

Boo you really THINK holding your breath, stomping your feet and having a tantrum in the corner over the Affordable Care Act will work?

the country has spoke..and lemme are white and over 40?
How does a "country" speak?


Well-Known Member
Not right wing, geo-engineering exists, fluoride is a great thing especially when you can filter it out of your drinking water, I don't trade gold, Bilderberg and Trilaterals are real organisations with stated goals, not sure about Weishaupts illuminati and I don't believe in socialism or communism nor whatever oxymoronic ideology you're pushing today (which by the way changes with the wind)

So do tell us how your life in Mexico is paid for by the American taxpayers and how, exactly, that equates to defying an empire...?
I have been a libertarian socialist almost as long as I have been on this page. Before that, I did support Rawn Pawl, but shortly after I came here, I found that the turtle fucker hates egalitarianism. This was long before you came to the forum. I'm still a libertarian socialist. In fact, I thought Noam Chomsky was brilliant ever since I read Manufacturing Consent in 2004. I just didn't really know much about rawn pawl until shortly after I got here and encountered hundreds of blathering morons who spammed about him. Once I saw how fucking retarded his supporters are, I rejected him.


Well-Known Member
You know how I know your jimmies are rustled? You make a racist comment just to try to hurt my feelings. I forgive you for trying to hurt me, but how could I forgive you for trying to hurt yourself?