Cant get my Ph up.. (Soil)


Active Member
Hey everyone... Im using FFOF Soil and FF nutes And ive been using RO water and i realized that my Run off was Lower then 5.0!!!!..
So i Flushed it with PH balanced water that was 7.0ph..
I flushed my 2 gallon pot with 6 Gallons of 7.0 Ph water.. Then i tested the Run off again and its still only 5.5!!...
Why wont it even out? Do i just have to continue to flush with 7.0 until it Evens out or What?
Thanks for all the help


New Member
Im having the same damn problem, fucking soil ph is hella low caused lock out and all my fan leaves turned yellow and fell off.
Im fucking pissed as hell about this shit. Ready to say fuck this growing bullshit. Anyways hope someone is able to help us both out!


Well-Known Member
Big time Ph Prob. What are you using to test PH. I live in socal, My tap is a strong 7ph. I use my tap to ph up. I use ph7 testing solution to calibrate my testers. Really important the ph, especially indoor. I stressed so much about it when i started, but i've never had yellowing of leaves. Also i do only soil, because it's what i know. Hydo is foreign to me, like a diff language. Good luck to everyone, friggen ph problems, don't i know the stress!


Well-Known Member
Sorry bro, i see you use soil, like i said my tap water is 7ph. I guess just keep flushing, I use FFOF and the nutes in it lasted for two weeks, and i use the cheap dyes to test water. Bought a $200 digital auto cal ph tester, but that thing is bunk! Inaccurate Ph calibrations, the Vetran guy at the hydro shop couldn't even stand by the testers, and he uses them. I guess you just have to find a reliable ph to fall back on, whether it's your tap or purified water. I just wanna give anything i know because I know yellowing leaves has gotta be stressful, something is wrong. I never use runoff water, and got my watering down to just a few drops of runoff, my growth is amazing, and it's my first grow. But i've been growing vegetables my whole life. I hope this helps.


Active Member
I have a Digital Ph meter and a liquid ph test kit..
I Flushed 5 gallons threw a 2 gallon pot and the Ph Barely changed.. About .5
Im thinking ill just water it from here on out with 7.0 PH and i hope it will even its self out..

strain stalker

New Member
...dolomite lime (quick release) raises your ph pretty quick, use one tbsp per gallon of soil as a top dressing, and just water in as normal.

...are you using chemicals with your Ocean Forest?'s good for a month and doesn't need anything.
...chemicals cause salt build-up and always minupliates the ph, mostly lowering the ph out of range and requires many flushes if used in soil/soilless.
...if you continue to use FFOF I'd suggest you sticking to organic ferts to have very little ,if any ph problems.


Well-Known Member
Good luck mang, worst case cenerio slow growth, but no nute burn. If plants are early enough along i'd consider transplanting. What kind of soil? If you use FFOF i know it has nutes in it for two weeks.


I accept with information:it's good for a month and doesn't need anything, chemicals cause salt build-up and always minupliates the ph, mostly lowering the ph out of range and requires many flushes if used in soil/soilless.