Can't figure it out... HELP???


Well-Known Member
I cant figure out what is wrong. It looks like mag. def. so i gave here some calmag but it didn't help. Now its moving up the plant and doin this to the upper leaves, It's driving me crazy. +rep to anyone that can tell me what it is. My ph runoff was a bit acidic the other day don't know if that might be a factor, I'm a noob in desperate need of advice.



Active Member
ph can have a lot to do with it. To high or low can cause root lock and you will not get the micro and macro nutes she needs.


Well-Known Member
I dont think its nute burn because i havent fed her much, a few doses at 1/4 and a few doses of half strength over a period of 2 weeks and i only gave her F.F. big bloom and a tablespoon on calmag to a gallon of water twice.


Well-Known Member
I think so.. my water is almost at a ph of 8 so Ive been lowering it with vinegar to about 6.5 is that ok? do you know why my runoff is so low though it was at like a 6 maybe a bit lower before i flushed it


Active Member
Perfect. Sounds like you had a bit of a lock up, plants in soil take a little longer to show recovery.