Canoe-ing Question


Active Member
I'm having a problem with a few of my 2 week old plants. The problem im having is the leaves are canoe-ing... im having problems with the heat. wondering if this can kill them? also why would only 2 out of 8 plants be doing this, they are all together. Thanks for any replies!


Well-Known Member
some can take it more. mabee thier stronger. but ya heat = canoeing and it will shut plants down


Well-Known Member
Holy crap. yeah, it's a problem. I've got some plants that were hit by heat and stressed. They're not recovering well at all. They're still alive, looking "alright", but their growth has seriously slowed down. You really want to try to cool them down a bit, the rootball is what's most important. Roots get hot, plant growth seems to just shut down.


Well-Known Member
it happened to me on my last grow and my talleat plants shut right down and i ended up choping. no more growth for 4 weeks then i saw hermie flowers so down it came the lower ones started up again and were ok.
95 100 to hot. shouldn`t realy go above 80 peak at 85 but not for verry long. depending on strain


New Member
They are in pots but my setup is in my shed
Ok, because you can put 2 or 3 extra pots over your existing pot to help insulate the roots from heat, such as if the sun is shinning on the pot it tends to heat up, but with extra pots it helps disipate the heat from the direct sun


Well-Known Member
That, or wrap the pots (assuming black plastic) in something white. I used a combination of scrap paper and re-purposed vermiculite bags (they're white on the inside).


Well-Known Member
Yyou need to ventilate via exhaust in order to control the temperature. Covering the pots alone in this situation is unlikely to help as it does when you have sunlight heating the pots up. Active exhaust, passive intake should work, assuming you can get sufficient flow. If the outside temps are high, then you have to find a way to cool the roots. Earth is a great insulator, but not knowing your set-up or limitations, I'm not sure how you would do that.