Cannoil Brownies using pillsbury box


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, and happy new year!

I have a box of chocolate fudge brownies, the recipe calls for 1/2 cup oil 1/4 cup water and 2 eggs

I would like to use 7 grams, but make them potent. So I was thinking of cutting the ingredients in half for the recipe, using 1/4 cup oil and 7 grams of my mazar x white rhino flowers, make my canna-oil, then use half of everything in the recipe, half the brownie mix, 1 egg, 1/4 oil ?

Like to get your opinions on this, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
That will work. I made brownies a few times using extract and whatever oil the recipe called for I put in a small pot on the stove on low to medium/low heat and dissolved the extract into it. You can probably grind up whatever buds you are going to use and stir that into the oil also or whatever oil recipe you had in mind. I'm not an expert on making edibles, but 7g doesn't seem like enough to make potent brownies even using half batch. You might get 4 moderately potent brownies out of that?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response sonar

Yeah i hear you about the potency, i was going to put them in a 9x9 or 8x8 and end up with 4-6 brownies.

Any other methods you would recommend for 7 grams?

Should i do as much bud that can saturate the oil? maybe 10-14 could do that for 1/2 cup oil?




Well-Known Member
Yeah that's how I make them in my 8x8 pan. Maybe if you cut it in 4 they will be strong enough. It's hard to say. The first time I made them out of extract I made them way too strong and cut them into 4 brownies. Half of one was enough to knock you on your ass. I really don't know I never used buds so I could be wrong and 7g is plenty. Maybe someone else can chime in who has more experience. If you cut into 4 that would come out to a little under 2g each so maybe that is enough.


Here I'll give you my oil recipe. I developed this after weeks of research and development so use it wisely!

* First take your 7 grams bud and break them apart with a knife. DO NOT GRIND THE WEED. (Grinding the weed not only knocks off trichomes, but also makes the bud smaller and thus cook faster. Which is bad if you're not experienced. If it's too small and you mess up with the heat for only 2 minutes, you can end up killing a large portion of your potency.)

* after doing so, submerge your bud in a half cup of oil(in a glass bowl or container preferably) . Try using a wooden spoon to continuously knock down any floating bud.

*After it's been submerged for maybe 5 minutes (if the bud is healthy and high grade, it should have sucked up a portion of the oil)you can throw it into a pan.

*THE FIRST 20 MINUTES IS CRUCIAL. The oil MUST NOT BOIL. To know if it's hot enough to activate the bud, place your wooden spoon into the oil. If small bubbles appear around the spoon then all is clear. You want to stir every 3-5 minutes with a wooden spoon to keep both the oil and bud from burning.

* after 30 minutes to an hour, the bud should be completely black and a little crunchy. Take it off the fire and let it cool in the oil until the pan can be touched comfortably. Strain it into a cup or container to use. After it's cooled stir the oil several times, then put it into your brownie mix.

This recipe makes 16 brownies in a 13 x 9 pan. Serving size is 1 for a calm and survivable buzz. 2 for a nice trip. And 3 to become unbelievably high.

Have fun man!!



Also remember that edibles can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours before it hits. So be careful with how much you eat and/or smoke at the same time.


Well-Known Member
So i put 7 grams of bud, 25 grams of trim, and .5 of kief in about a cup of coconut oil

It has been cooking for about 20 mins, i have a pyrex dish with water staying at around 180 F and the oil in a smaller pyrex glass dish around 165-170F, a ghetto double boiler. What temps should i try to keep the oil at? how long of a cook do you recommend?

Any other thoughts much appreciated! Thanks qwe, and everyone else!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I let the oil cook like that for about an hour, never letting it boil...

Now i moved the oil to a stove top pan, currently on low heat

going to to this until i feel it has been absorbed.


Well-Known Member
pssssssssst! waddup fjg!
there are no bake recipe's for yummy treats
this means no cooking twice!
oh yeah and i always use a little extra oil depending on amount of stuff used
you always lose a teeny bit of oil in the cooking process, you can either add back regular oil after you re-measure it, or just over shoot it and hope things work out lol