

Active Member
I've found that 7 grams per 4oz of butter works really well. However, it all depends on the potency of the bud you're using. If you are using really crappy bud you should probably double that amount.


Well-Known Member
atleast do a 1:1 ratio, if not more.

I typically cook a lot into 1 stick of butter using water as the buffer liquid. the butter solidifies at the top absorbing all the cannabinoid material leaving the mess at the bottom.

Maui Waui

Active Member
k well i have me and 6 friends comin so how much bud do you think ill need they are all kinda light weights so i was thinkin 14g so 2g each and ill eat a bit more

Maui Waui

Active Member
ok well i got into a bit of a problem, i now need to make brownies for 9 people ill be puttin in 20g of ditch weed and 5g of stems, vaped weed and good bud, now the problem is that the brownies only call for 3/4 of a cup of butter, is it possible to get all that cannabis into only 3/4cup of butter?


Well-Known Member
yes it's totally possible to get that much cannabis in 3/4ths cup of butter . . . . simply cook with water, strain, put in the fridge, butter solidifies at the top.


Active Member
You're welcome. I think that recipe probably tastes great but I will never find out. I have hypertension - a recipe like that has way too much sodium in it for me.

Also - 375 seems awfully hot. It might be unnecessary but I would worry that the THC might be affected by it. If it were me I would lower the oven temp to 350 and cook for a bit longer.

Best of luck - let us know how they turn out :-D


Well-Known Member
375 is too hot .. .

I usually cook my edibles at 300.

I'm sure 325 would be acceptable too but I don't think it'd be safe to go higher than that.

Maui Waui

Active Member
ya ill play it safe and go to 300 or 325, well i started the butter this morning at 11 am and i guess it will be done at 3, im a little concerned because at the start i had the stove set at 3 and left it for 30 mins only to come back to find it almost at a rapid boil so i turned it all the way down to the lowest and has been like that since, i have had a lid on it so i dont know if that early high temp will have an effect. but i have noticed that it isnt smelling that much which is something everyone seems to get i wonder if thats because i over did it early on?


Well-Known Member
did you have water in it?

if so, no you didn't overdo it.

if that was straight butter boiling though, then you overdid it by like 100-200 degrees...

Maui Waui

Active Member
na i had tons of water a bit too much i think lol cus i had to but the butter into 2 bowls, any idea how long it takes to cool, and is it better to cool it in the fridge or the freezer?


Well-Known Member
better to cool in the fridge as you don't want the water to solidify, you want the butter to.


Well-Known Member
You need to add a bit of extra butter at the start. It loses a portion of its volume during cooking, so go with a cup of butter. It should yield about 3/4 cup or a bit more after this! little treat for you on a slice of toast!

Maui Waui

Active Member
ya i put in a cup, just waitin for the butter to solidify, havin a bit of trouble findin a double boiler for the brownies though. and thanks for all the help on this poplars +rep man