Cannabis used as a dietary suppliement?


Well-Known Member
I just watched a video on youtube about juicing the leafs of the plants and drinking it to boost ones immune system. Has anyone actually tried this? If so when would you start picking the leaves off, during veg? If anyone has any information about this that would help a lot thanks.

heres the link of the video below.


Well-Known Member
yeah recent topics have come up here... still undecided about this myself.
you can pick any off the leaves anytime (before they flower) this will give you a non psyco active juice once you add heat and something for the minute ammount of thc ) found in leaves you get a really weak canna oil

fan leaves and stems sticks etc will contain no more then about 10% thc. not sold on this myself however I do use the cannaoil daily in capsules daily


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of juicing going on now. The club I belong to has a juice bar, and cannabis is one of the things they juice. It has been shown to slow or even stop the growth of cancer cells. The lower thc higher cbd strains like harlequin are really good for this method.