Cannabis time lapse photography


Well-Known Member
Go smoke a bowl and then watch this awesome video:



Well-Known Member
Too bad it was an autoflower.

Too bad the time lapse capture was really annoying to watch. Someone needs to edit that fucking video. Jesus fucking christ.


Active Member
I would love to see more, that shit is mesmerizing.
Though in all fairness, i stare at my plants a good 2-3 hours a day.
Most of the time while smoking. So i feel like to some degree, i already get this.


Well-Known Member
Too bad it was an autoflower.

Too bad the time lapse capture was really annoying to watch. Someone needs to edit that fucking video. Jesus fucking christ.
That, and too bad they don't know how to water...

Here's an AWESOME time lapse... I've watched this video way too many times:



Well-Known Member
Cool vid Bygon!

For some reason I like them better without the music. Any other time lapse vids anyone?