cannabis science


Well-Known Member
Learn how to make a plant tick. That means replacing your HPS lamp with 10k tubes and blacklights. (Rev The.natural = RM3)


Well-Known Member
Ok bro. My input is going to be 24 hours of darkness before chop is a great thing to do. Like over the top type dank. Super potent buds, potency test to back that up if you need. Thats all the science i got for that subject.
Do you drown the roots during the dark period?
Or just normal feed and leave in dark as I also do dark period and a couple of times have soaked the roots however I get pissed of after harvest having to move soil that weighs 10 times as much as if I didn't soak
I used to do just dark 24-36 hours but then I remember hearing that this is pointless unless I'm also drowning the roots
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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Do you drown the roots bring the dark period?
Or just normal feed and leave in dark as I also do dark period and a couple of times have soaked the roots however I get pissed of after harvest having to move soil that weighs 10 times as much as if I didn't soak
I used to do just dark 24-36 hours but then I remember hearing that this is pointless unless I'm also drowning the roots
Yes i do. Well maybe not "drown", but just water regularly with ph water in the dark period.


[QUOTblackflag_demo, post: 12631571, member: 922415"]soooooo much for the "this is not facebook" lol, i joke, i joke!! no but really this is one of the angrier threads.

i get this thread...i hate how everyone says "look it up", has anyone fucked with the search bar? i have because i figured, its probably better to approach a subject with a little knowledge. but yo seriously fuck me because you wont get what you're looking for through the search bar...or you might after a days of searching. maybe i'm doing it wrong, dont know.

i can't offer any science but my experience has been through trail and error. i now know that you shouldn't over-trim your girls, also going top/fim crazy will become confusing and make things complicated. sugar early on will freeze growth (although worked in my favor). the saying "less is more" is probably the single most valuable advice i received. comp tea works well as a folair spray. there are a 1000 products that all pretty much do the samething, so don't get caught up in marketing gimmicks.

in short the best way to learn is trial by error...i am growing 8 girls and of the 8 i have 2 set off to the side to try new or adventurous methods...and i compare the results to the standard by the book simple growth. also i've learned that on riu theres a million different methods to grow something unique and potent. everyone has a way or technique that really really works. basically grow and learn as you grow. that may be what you're trying to do and for that i commend you. you could try this...when you're ready to learn something new put all your focus into learning THAT one thing. my biggest issue was trying to take in everything right off the bat and being flooded with methods that didn't work but they also costed time and money. stay focused and driven and you will get bud that is perfect.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the insight. That's why I started this thread and its not just the search bar on this site. You gotta sort thru junk on Google too. I am going to pick thru this thread and put the factual information on a thread by itself when we gather enough.