canna tsu x timewreck

chaz Mcspaz

Went to the 2015 L.A. HIGH TIMES CANNABIS CUP just to get genetics from TGA. Got these Canna tsu x timewreck testers and thought why not do these first. I got a handful of other strains and I'm going to do those along with these, but I want to just follow these since I can't find any info on this strain.
I put the seeds in root riot cubes, and then a clone humidor. I use azos in water to get things going. (Just a little azos)
I had sprouts within 24 hrs. So after about 3-4 days I put them in bio bizz coco and perlite with just a light nutrient mix. Out of 10 I have 7. 2 were just going to slow for me and one died from temp drops.


chaz Mcspaz

1431235565681.jpg 1431235647733.jpg 1431235647733.jpg 1431235565681.jpg 1431235565681.jpg 1431235647733.jpg Out of the 10 pack i have one female i found that liked. Definitely a sativa dominant pheno that has a nice thic k main stem and really nice and bushy. When you rub the stem it has almost a like pine Mr . clean smell to it.
As soon as i established which one i wanted to keep i put the plant in a mix of bio bizz coco and fox farm k9 grow cube in a 10 gallon fabric smart pot.
I did a 3 week veg under a 600watt mh. (I usually do alot longer veg)Doing casting tea's once a week.
Im doing the flowering outdoors in a spot that gets nine hours of direct sunlight and the rest is complete shade. Its only the start of the 2nd week, and the stretch so far has been bushy all over not just the main colas appearing like there taking off the under growth is bushing out as well. I gotta say i plan on keeping this around i took two clones and plan on doing an indoor run under 600watt hps.
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chaz Mcspaz

So i put the canna tsu x timewreck inside under a 600watt hps. I didnt wanna take any chances of neighbors seeing my grow plus i was having bugs. I sprayed the plant down with spinosad and neem oil. Not all at once each was done separate weeks.
The plant does stretch but not to bad i would say like a x2 stretch. She is bushing out nicely and getting bud sites all over. The stems are truly thick and strong not spindly at all. In just the 3rd week of flower and already a noticeable amount if resin development. So far this plant has been what i would look for in growth and structure.


chaz Mcspaz

This plant is awesome!! Im around week 6 and this pheno i chose is buding really nice. She really spred out and got diamond shape buds that wreak of rotten fruit with a really crisp earthy smell. DANK!!!!! Im keeping this one for my stash for sure. Tons of white hairs, and frost started at week two then just kept going. This one definitely sativa. I would say she streches a good amount. I cant say it enough though she is a good yeilder of diamond shaped frosty hairy dank smelling bud. I had to thin out the shade leaves to get to the under growth. I usually dont worry about the small bottom buds but there is so many that i want to get as much from them as i can.

Some of the others that i trashed were tall skinny not so bushy looking. Only the males had fatter shade leaves. They weren't fat like an indica but they were fatter then the females. Out of the ten pack i popped i got 4 males. I only found two females that i would consider keepers for me. I like tight node spaces and when a plant grows bushy. Meaning has lots of stems growing with pre bud sites. 1434701491559.jpg1434702013068.jpg

chaz Mcspaz

Wow!!!!! That is definitely the way im gonna start this post. So after i have fully grown trimmed cured the canna tsu x timewreck im not totally sure how i feel about this plant. She is a beautiful plant in veg. even in flower the buds were all that i wanted. They were stinky, sugar covered, and a very high yielding.
The finished flowers have lost there smell and the high is completely clear headed. One thing that i can say is that when i smoke a joint of this i dont really get high but 1442553847538.jpg 1442553847538.jpg 1442553847538.jpg 1442554132170.jpg 1442553847538.jpg 1442554132170.jpg 1442554204045.jpg all my back pain is easier to deal with sometimes i completely forget about my back problems. For some reason it hekps me sleep. I was thinking from this plant being very on the sativa side it was going to keep you going but its not like that. At work i can work fine with no problems i have no problems picking up beams or liffting walls. (Im a framer)
At night i smoke a joint of this and when i go to bed im out.
So far as being a keeper i didnt keep any clones.
I find the flowers hard to smoke. Just because of taste. The first hit is alright, but after that it just becomes an ashy taste. I did pull a little early but it was around week 12-13 of flower and still had awhile to go. My temps were also runing high at around 80-85. With summer comming i decide to pull and cure the flowers. I flushed before i pulled. I always do i two week flush of just water, but also i only do teas and water and mostly water.
Now the yield was outrages. Huge top colas with tones of lower buds. All of them filled in even the lower ones had weight to them. So i would definitely say that this would be a great one to breed into a more potent strain to beef up yields and get a higher medical strain. Its just missing the punch.