Canna Oatmeal cookies w.o cannabutter


Well-Known Member
(prepackaged oatmeal cookies from Betty Crocker are my fav as they use the most oil)

This again is for those who like the taste of the MMJ in their foods.. not all do...

I think I have posted something like this in the past.. but the pics are gone.. so here is another one...

This recipe is also a time saver.. I decarbed the 1+oz orange crush mmj in foil at 225 for about 15 mins then let it sit and cool off then
placed the buds inside of a metal strainer... and grind the crap outta it.. the smaller stuff falls thru the stems dont.. (nothing like eating a cookie and then getting a stem caught in your throat... it hurts.. ) so strain it then dump the baked weed in the mix and cook like you would normally... I am using olive oil (rather then butter)

aprox 1 hour from start to finish including bake time and cool off time.. and if your quick enough consumption time :)

left is the strained baked weed right is the stems.. (will use these in canna oil or something else)

close up of the strained mmj

before oil and water are added..

oil gets added

how it looks before mixing

subliminal food messages

house smells so good!!!!


Well-Known Member
That looks delicious. Super jealous lol. If you use a indica heavy strain is it more calming and less panic inducing?


Well-Known Member
That looks delicious. Super jealous lol. If you use a indica heavy strain is it more calming and less panic inducing?
not for me.. I cant tell the diff on any strain.. (well cept flavor )

I use medibles as it helps me with my pain... others I know say it does nothing to them or makes them sleepy.. some are floored by the effects so.. ya have to try it yourself is the real answer.. lol


Well-Known Member
I have anxiety and depression is my reason for marijuana use. Some strains just make it worse though


Staff member
I have anxiety and depression is my reason for marijuana use. Some strains just make it worse though
stay away from statvia then , indica is the type you want for anything anxiety wise, and honestly dont just shove a whole fucking cookie in your mouth if youre prone to anxiety either


Well-Known Member
Lol no that's why I'm testing out a tincture. I have a high level of self control anyway but yeah anxiety attacks happen at times. Yay ptsd


Well-Known Member
stay away from statvia then , indica is the type you want for anything anxiety wise, and honestly dont just shove a whole fucking cookie in your mouth if youre prone to anxiety either
damn the only time I had a "Over dose" experience was on firecrackers... it was the only time I felt anxiety bad.. normally I am stress free nothing really bothers me.. but the OD exp itself made it all worse.. I was able to calmly talk myself thru it.. but damn it sucked...

with medibles... go slow...MOST people really only need about .25 baked weed for a 2-4 hour relief


Staff member
damn the only time I had a "Over dose" experience was on firecrackers... it was the only time I felt anxiety bad.. normally I am stress free nothing really bothers me.. but the OD exp itself made it all worse.. I was able to calmly talk myself thru it.. but damn it sucked...

with medibles... go slow...MOST people really only need about .25 baked weed for a 2-4 hour relief
mmhm depending on the person i get anxiety attacks all the time when i smoke giant bongs hits or something so i taker easeeyy
