Canada not thinking everything through on legalization details


Well-Known Member
So we can have 30 grams of bud outside the house, and no limit to what we store in our residences. We can grow 4 plants which can easily yield 3 kg of bud each year. Okay I understand all that (Ontario). I don't smoke nearly 3 or 4 kilos of bud a year, so I hoard it in the form of Frenchy-style temple balls for long term, indefinite storage purposes. I normally only keep a kilo or two of bud on hand, which may get eventually turned into temple balls or gifted. So far, so good.

WTF happens if I change residence? I can't move 2 kg of accumulated temple balls legally to a new home. Also upon my death, I can't transfer that amount to a designated recipient in my Will?

Allowing possession of something you can't transport or transfer doesn't make any sense to me. We can easily can get a temp ATT to move one hundred handguns to a new residence with a 1 minute phone call. This is just one more example that this cannabis legalization legislation has not be thought through properly under all the various scenarios possible. It's like the details in the bill were created by 5 year olds.

Sorry for the rant thread, but I really hope to pass down my growing cache of great hash because I have a grandson that is as much of a prepper as I am.