Can you use Stretching to your ADVANTAGE with LST?


Well-Known Member
Can an LST on a stretching plant be an advantage in the long run, or will the node sites still be spaced to far apart in the end?


Well-Known Member
I have tryed to LST a plant with week node spacing the buds got to heavy and started to droop I had to use a lot of bamboo splints.
I like to supercrop (pinching) between node sites it made for a really lumped up stocky plant in a good way. But to each his own :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey im just trying to learn as i go, figure the more questions i ask the better, thanks for telling me how yours turned out, i should look up that super cropping too.

Pat Man

Active Member
I started using LST a lot recently and feel i have effected a efficient method. The only problem is yes, the drooping. I also lollipop and this time I went over board on lollipooping so I have to tie every branch up.

but to answer your question, besides those few disadvantages LSTing is definitely a way to go if you are worried about spacing of nodes and height. Yields can be very satisfying. Just stand by with some sticks and string