Can You Use Brita Filtered Melted Snow For your Water??


Well-Known Member
ive never thought about it but snow is rain but extremely easy to aquire where i live; if i melted it and put it through a brita would this be good for watering?


I'm not sure, but would think there would be alot of pollutants in it like lead and arsenic asid rain kinda stuf. first check the PH


Well-Known Member
well i live far north just beside lake superior, nowhere near any big cities and a city with 300,000 population; our tap water is 67 PPM one of the best in the world straight from the lake so id assume snow coming off the lake would be good also?


Active Member
i use snow all the time in the winter you,ll be fine. ive never filtered so if you do it would be more than ok


Active Member
your fine but if you start to see any burn on the tips of the leaves i would stop. but your probably good, keep it up