Can you top dress mycos? What about mycos with granulated lime at the same time?


Well-Known Member
Got some myco samples and I think they are meant for mixing into soil I got them after I started my seedlings and transplanted them into new pots. Can I still use them by top dressing? Same with some espoma organic granulated lime. Will lime kill the mycos?


yes you can, you should top dress then add about 1/2 inch of soil on top.
mycos helps your plants grow roots like crazy will make your plant grow faster.
you can never over dose with mycos i have lots of it in powder and granulated form and i use it with all my plants.

about the lime not so sure if it will mess with the mycos but i don't think it will.



Active Member
yes you can, you should top dress then add about 1/2 inch of soil on top.
mycos helps your plants grow roots like crazy will make your plant grow faster.
you can never over dose with mycos i have lots of it in powder and granulated form and i use it with all my plants.

about the lime not so sure if it will mess with the mycos but i don't think it will.

How late are you into the grow? Top dressing is not an effective way to inoculate the roots and takes time .. Maybe next time?


yes that is true it is better to add mycos directly to root ball by "dusting" the root ball before transplanting.
top dressing is still very effective, mycos is beneficial in both veg and bloom stages it enriches the soil with bacteria roots love.


Active Member
yes that is true it is better to add mycos directly to root ball by "dusting" the root ball before transplanting.
top dressing is still very effective, mycos is beneficial in both veg and bloom stages it enriches the soil with bacteria roots love.
It takes mykos a week to a month to inoculate a root ball.. When directly applied... Also read somewhere that the myco need to be within 5 milimeters of the root to ever take.. Ive done experiments myself and the mykos takes about a month to show any noticable effects in side by side with a mykoless control


Active Member
yes that is true it is better to add mycos directly to root ball by "dusting" the root ball before transplanting.
top dressing is still very effective, mycos is beneficial in both veg and bloom stages it enriches the soil with bacteria roots love.
It takes mykos a week to a month to inoculate a root ball.. When directly applied... Also read somewhere that the myco need to be within 5 milimeters of the root to ever take.. Ive done experiments myself and the mykos takes about a month to show any noticable effects in side by side with a mykoless control