Can You Tell By These Pics....


Well-Known Member
I wanan think female.. cuz they dont look like balls to me but give it liek a week and update pics and we can tell for sure maybe?


Well-Known Member
that last pic looks like a female preflower.

you will see white hairs if female.
They will come out in pairs of v shaped hairs.

The males will have lil pollen sacks.

When the time comes it will be obvious.
Of course a hermie has both.


Well-Known Member
female, female, female, female.
If so fdd...a couple of those I'd give you a lil credit for. Why?

Remember that "How to beat up a girl" thread you did? I studied that seed chart and tried to pick the seeds I thought would end up female. 3 of the 4 pics were from seeds "selected" to be female.

But I'll give more time like instructed...but that would be a great thing to get all lady plants 1st go round....will always keep an eye out for a balls popping up though too.