can you root cuttings with a hps?


Active Member
i use cfl and did try recently with hps but the light was too intense for them and they started to wilt, if you can get the light far enough away you might be ok,


Active Member
I have rooted cuttings at the bottom of my tent while running a 600w above some larger plants in there. Cuttings don't want/need a lot of light... but indirect light from a 600w HPS worked fine for me. [The light was probably 4' above the cuttings and a thick canopy from the larger plants was present. They actually rooted faster (about 4-5 days) than usual compared to when rooted in my little veg cabinet under CFLs - but this was probably due to the greater warmth in the tent.]


Well-Known Member
it will work probally, ive water cloned with my 400w hps plenty of times, a bit of direct light is fine, but dont put them like right under the brightest area of the hps. I keep my cuttings somewhat shaded from the hps by kind of using the plants they came off of's shadows.