Can you remmember the 1st time you smoked pot?


Active Member
first time. 2 blunts of some good mid with four heads on it.
drinking, and took half a bar... i was 14...Lol
lets just say the crew was running down a main road in memphis, tn
avoiding cops at 4 am. laughin our asses off

Chase the Bass

Active Member
It absolutely blows my mind to think that I have been smoking for less than a year. My first time was June of last year, I know because I had waited until after I graduated high school. It was three good friends of mine, two of them brothers and we were at their place, and me. The brothers' parents smoked too which is one of the main reasons I felt comfortable. Having to worry about getting caught can make you paranoid. I know now that they always have great bud. They had rolled up three cigarillos of some chronic and we went to the garage with a laptop and some speakers for some beats. We started smoking and flowing. Whoever didn't have a blunt had to flow lol. I was coughing pretty bad at first so I got some water. It was actually a little subtle at first. The change in ocular pressure was the first thing I noticed. Then when we were close to finishing the blunts my hands felt HUGE!!! It was awesome and I'm sure I looked ridiculous touching my face. I stepped outback and it was great! The sun was setting and the sky looked like a watercolor. The only way I can described how I felt at the time was that I was viewing everything from a "second person perspective". Another friend that I hadn't seen in a year showed up and I couldn't understand it lol. I was like..."Why the hell is he here? What?" It seemed so random. Add to that he looks like a leprechaun and it was even better.

Overall a great first experience. I liken it to being thrown into the lake to learn how to swim. It was also the highest I have ever been. That could be because I wasn't sure how to "ride" the high though.

It really blows my mind that this happened less than a year ago!!! Now I am corresponding with my representatives about marijuana issues and trying to help the movement.