Can you make a male plant turn female somehow?


Well-Known Member
This dude is bullshit. Here are those three things. Set fire to it in the ground on top of ground or plain old chop it.


Active Member
If you make a semi constructed wormhole which only goes into the time/space mess and not out again. You might have a chance. Send your male plant through to time/space from our space/time. Leave it there for a while (you cant get it back anyway) and then it uasually takes a few minutes, the male plants flips inside out to the nature of time/space being space/time but backward. After it flips inside out it is a female plant. And as plants have a sentient intellegence, you have to trust and love your plant enough to find its way back to you through another semi constructed wormhole.

Pretty easy really.


New Member
Okay, I confess, I already did that and his plant was originally a female but I went through the wormhole and made it a male.

So he's screwed. :sad: I keep the wormhole in my left pocket so I can use it anytime. I accidentally forgot and dropped my keys once in that pocket and then had to zip back in time to get them back from a Ben Franklin...... on the plus side, my keys helped him discover electricity before I zapped back....


Active Member
well there isn't any proof to proove me wrong at least :D

may well be true

I got a 20,000W wormhole generator over my plant. plenty of light. Wormhole energy used this way garuntees female plants. To the original poster, if you did this first time round, you wouldent be in this mess.

Sorry to hear what happened to your keys, crackerjax, I hope they are OK after an adventure like that.


New Member
The keys are fine, Mr. Franklin took most of the hit. There is a problem however. My portal shared space with your portal and as I left Franklin he gave off a wickedly overpowering lightning ozone fart (it happens). So you need to shut down that wormhole between 6:00 and 6:08pm EST. That fart will swing in right about then and could set off a Methane wormhole reaction. We could end up with franklins farts spread out all through time....and it was just awful....awful.


New Member
well am disappointed i came to this thread to find information and all i found is this a ten page thread of fuckery at least i got some lols out of this 9 years later

Dr green thumb2

New Member
Why, may I ask, would you want to do that??? :roll:

If you're trying to get smokeable bud, try again, it's not happening with that male.

I guess it would be possible with the typical methods of feminization; light cycle, collidial silver, gibberlic acid... But it's definately not worth the time money and effort.

You're not getting any smoke from that male, sorry. :leaf:
You deffinetly can herm a male. I use lolipop method with allows. The male to release it hormes an herm over. I never cut 1 male an always got buds of it. As long as u dont mind seeds in ur bud. But as i am a grower i use these seeds to grow more an u make better straims while doin this.

Dr green thumb2

New Member
Any question on growin weed feel fre to drop me a question. I been growin for a long time. An realistically there no such thing as male or female therr like frogs they have no specifi gender unless there genically feminized