Can you LST and SCROG a autoflower strain?

250w HPS grower

Well-Known Member
topping an auto is a big no no, but ive seen a lot of people on the internet training there autos with good results. I'm doing a Buddha syrup right now but I'm only 11 days in but I will be training her soon. tie the bitch down and teach her a lesson :hump:


Active Member
Auto's have a short life cycle, so toping them would be a grave mistake, it can be done and has been done but most growers that use autos only made that mistake once.
LST can be done on autos "I LST mine" as well as SCROG nets. This allows much needed light into the canopy.
Autos are not like regulars... trimming of any sort in the VEG state will bring growth to an almost stop for up to a week until she recovers.
Listen to your plant !
She will tell you what she wants. Address issues that are going on as they arise.. Have a mental plan on what you might do if problems arise in the grow cycle.
But let her grow.. Autos get stressed easy but they are resilient and each one is different.
What kind of system are you going in?
The majority of the older Brewers on this site have learned through trial and error. They have learned from their mistakes and you will learn from yours as well. Just keep this in mind... it's a weed ! And weeds like to grow.
I posted a pic of my Amphetamine Auto, she is 35 days old from seed, she has had mild and slow LST as well as a SCROGED out. The netting let's me spread her out so light can reach all the budding sites bUT it also helps with the weight as she matures. Autos pack on heavy but weight the last few weeks.
Research, research research! And lots of patience is needed for a highly successful girl

