Can you leave water in the flood tray?


Well-Known Member
I want to know if i can leave water without nutrients in my flood tray because when the landlord drops by im going to put my plants in my van. when its in there it obviously wont have any power so i was wondering if i can leave just water in the tray overnight or will this wreck the plants?



Active Member
i would say mabe.....i know it's not good to leave them standing in stagnent water. you dont want the roots to get soggy. i'd go w/o and if they start to droop give em a lil drink. are your plants still in Veg? cuz if they are in bud you may mess up the light cycle and confuse them.


Well-Known Member
If they're going to be in there for an extended period of time, putting water in the flood tray so that it at least makes contact with the runoff holes of the pots will soak water into the entire pot at a fairly slow rate and give your plants the water they need, just don't overdo it.

If it's just for a day or 2, water them before they go in - your plants won't even skip a beat.

Don't forget to get fresh air into your van at least once a day while the plants are inside.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys for that ok so i didnt know that roots would get soggy that quick, so ill just leave the water level an inch or so up the pot. as for the light im sure 16 hours or so of darkness wouldnt hurt, as my lights run during the night and the landlord would be here during the day. they are in flowering so yea ill take that into consideration. cheers