can you flush miracle grow soil w/ the time/water release nutes?


Active Member
i have plants in miracle grow soil. the kind that already has nutes in it and releases them everytime you water them. I was wondering if i could flush those nutes that are already in there out of the soil. i was thinking that since they are water released if i try to flush them all that water will release those nutes and kill the plants or result in terrible nute burn. is it even possible for those to be flushed out?

the reason i want to do this is because 1 i made a huge mistake not using fox farm and was lazy and used some shit in my garage.. stupid. 2 i have them under 12/12 under 150 watt hps and 2 cfls. since they will be flowering soon(hopefully) i wanted to get those veg nutes out of the soil.


Well-Known Member
1 there is no need to flush leave it alone
2 flushing will make things go to hell as you suspected
3 don't even add much flowering nutes until you see it needs something
4 miracle grow soil for all the crap it gets on here works amazingly well don't get all down about it until you see the yield

I often wish using FFOF were as easy as MG
good luck


Active Member
its true, I tried to flush my first grow which was in MG and made things much much much worse than they were before. I effectively killed everything. Oh well, live and learn, lol.


Active Member
thanks alot.. .ill just leave them alone.
there is no yellowing on the leaves yet and they look healthy... i was just concerned because i just transplanted them into MG and wasnt positive on what was going to happen in the future.


Well-Known Member
ya MG gets alot of shit because people can mess it up easily by adding nutes or those nute balls sometimes kill seedlings. have you ever seen MGs adds about how plants grown in MG are roughly double the size. its true, but its not ideal for growing a weed like MJ if you plan on adding your own nutes

when i use this soil i start from seed and pick out all the nute balls and fill a shot glass w/ MG soil w/o the balls. about a week later i transplant into a pot with the MG balls in tthe soil

oh and i think these balls are temp released not water released
So many replies from people who have never used MG. Hey speaking from experience you definetily need to flush 2 or even 3 weeks before harvest. Your plant will NOT die. After the flush just plain water and a tablespoon of molasses or any organic fert like fish emulsion in a very light mixture every few days,. The last week or week and a half absolutely no water at all.


New Member
hi i have 5 week old plants that have just been re potted in 3 ltr pot with miracle grow expand and grow soil with 6 months nutes,,i used miracle grow potting soil from seed with good results,,3 days after potting all the new shoots have gone bright yellow curled up at ends ,some old lower leaf yellow too ,,but seems like its only affecting the very small new growth,,i think i may have watered them to much ,and caused to much nutes to be released,,what should i do or is it to late


Active Member
I’ve only used miracle grow. Not cause I love it just cause it’s 20 bucks for 60 litre bag. It’s got a decent amount of perlite and just works works great for vegging. I have noticed that it’s weak for flowering and the balls your referring to are nitrogen release with water.. what I do now is I half my soil and I soak in a huge tub in my yard half my soil for a good couple weeks flushing it before I’m gonna use it to grow and I mix half and half back together I find the nitrogen starts to ease up when it’s In flower also using a higher ph around 7 will make the nitrogen stay pretty high and then lower 6 range will start to release more of it. If water in lower 6 ph range you can deplete the nitrogen to early and plants will suffer from not being the right balance of N p and k at right times. Grew this baby in only miracle grow last year outside was A beauty



Well-Known Member
MG soil is too hot, imho.. I see a lot of people semi successfully grow with it but after trial and tribulation I can’t figure out why. My question is what made you decide it was a huge mistake? Is the plant sick?

My son brought me a GSC he started in MG once and it was dying right before switching to flower. I wanted to completely wash off as much as the soil as possible and transplant in FFOF. He disagreed, he was sure it would die if we did. After much research and watching it go straight down hill for another week, literally almost dead, he finally let me try.

I made a FFOF/perlite mix, and did a transplant with a complete root wash. It’s important to do everything VERY gently. I used my kitchen sink sprayer with lukewarm water, to remove most of the soil. Not all, as the rootball was very dense so it held a bit of soil, but it got a good flush there too. I re-potted and added recharge. I kid you not, she was looking amazing in 2 days and it only got better from there. Lights went to 12/12 two weeks later (gave some time to bounce back) and she flowered like a champ. I was so proud, lol.

If you don’t have a sick plant, I’m not sure I would do anything if I were you. Change up the soil for next grow. But, if you decide to, it’s perfectly safe to transplant into new soil. Just be gentle, that’s the important part. Don’t spray cold water either and shock the roots. Make sure it is lukewarm. I used a meat thermometer to make sure the water I sprayed was room temp. I also only had the water pressure about halfway on. The sprayer was more of a rainfall, so not to beat up the roots.

Happy growing! :)