Can you believe this!!!


Well-Known Member
One sunny day in a jungle somewhere in Australia, a happy little Gecko was cruising alone, making his way towards the lake to get a drink of water.... Then all of a sudden Gecko started to slow his roll. He smelled that, mm.. mm... mmm, smell he loved so much........... Some one was burning herb. Gecko looks around and finds Koala sitting up on a branch above him and over the waters edge.

<GECKO>- "Hey Koala! Whacha doin up there?"
<KOALA>- "Oh, you know gecko.. just smokin this joint.. chillen out..... enjoying life, ya know."
<GECKO>- "It sure smells good Koala"
<KOALA>- "You wanna cruise up and smoke this joint with me Gecko?"

Before Koala could even finish saying joint, gecko was already half way up the tree.
The two of them proceed to smoke on the joint together and enjoy the sunny day, when Gecko starts to notice his lips sticking to his teeth.

<KOALA>- "What's wrong Gecko?"
<GECKO>- "I got wicked cottonmouth Koala. I forgot I was on my way to get something to drink when I smelled your Jay and my mouth is just so dry man, i'm so thirsty Koala, I gotta get a drink."

Off the branch goes Gecko, straight down in the water below to quench his thirst.
When Gecko hits the water Alligator is awakened by the splash and swims over to see what is going on.

<ALLIGATOR>- "What you doin over here Gecko, makin all that noise?"
<GECKO>- "Oh my god Alligator, let me tell you. I was walking through the jungle on my way to the water and then I smelled herb and then I saw Koala and he had a joint and we smoked and my lips stuck to my mouth and I remembered water and, well anyway, I'm so thirsty I need to get a drink."
<ALLIGATOR>- "You say Koala has a joint... ima hafta check that out."

Meanwhile Koala is up on the branch stoney as can be, wonders what is taking Gecko and why his lips are stuck to his teeth, when he hears from below....

<Alligator>- "Hey Koala"

Koala, blazed, eyes squinted and red looks down when he hears the voice, and his eyes open wide and he gasps...

<KOALA>- "DAMN DUDE!!! How much did you drink?"

This was based on a true story.... none of the charachters involved were hurt in any way shape or form.