Can we change sex from male to female


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys I'm In really deep shit right now I grow my plant for fourr month but it turn out all of them are male so it there a method to change them to female and can we use male to any thing like smoke I heard they are shit


Well-Known Member
You cant change males into females but you can make hash from males. Theres bound to be something about making hash from stems etc somewhere in the grow journal or on google. Sorry to hear they all turned out male man that sucks!


Active Member
I heard it was possible to make them go hermie if they turn out male? By like abusing them? Stress?

Is that right? :) :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys I'm In really deep shit right now I grow my plant for fourr month but it turn out all of them are male so it there a method to change them to female and can we use male to any thing like smoke I heard they are shit em out and start over....males dont produce enough thc to be worth anything....if you smoke them your gonna get a huge headache....only things male plants are good for is pollenating a female to produce seeds or making hemp products.....nothing more...:joint:


Well-Known Member
I dissagree.
I made 10 grams of hash from 2 male plants.
It wasnt the best smoke ever but it was well worth it.
Besides,what do you have to lose?
Just dry the whole plant,cut it up and screen it.
Then just press the remaining powder.
Screening takes usually an hour or 3.Then pressing takes an hour.
I make a day out of it!:D


Well-Known Member
I dissagree.
I made 10 grams of hash from 2 male plants.
It wasnt the best smoke ever but it was well worth it.
Besides,what do you have to lose?
Just dry the whole plant,cut it up and screen it.
Then just press the remaining powder.
Screening takes usually an hour or 3.Then pressing takes an hour.
I make a day out of it!:D
i just cant justify all that time and effort for not the best smoke....
but fuck it..if you have nothing better to do..:joint:


Well-Known Member
You can make hash by chopping up the plants and screening them through a silk screen then the shit that comes through the silk screen you put it in plastic fromsay a cigarrette pack and wrap it in paper slightly damp and put it in the oven at 250 deg. for 10 min. Then you take a rolling pin and flatten it as much as possible then put it the freezer for a few mins then you smoke it...:twisted:


Active Member
i saw a video about how to do that on youtube. really easy method. Im starting my first grow but I have friends who have been growing for years and had never saved the cuttings that they trimmed of the buds to screen for hash!!!! They just bin em!!


Well-Known Member
My frist grw trun bad from 10 plant down to 3 and then one of them is male who knows what will happens next