Can u identify this critter?


Well-Known Member

I noticed these in my runnoff tray. Plants are in canna coco. Are these larvae for some harmfull bugs? Nutrients are heavy 16. The only other products used were actinovate, cyto plus (seaweed product), and an old bottle of conserve sc (spinosad) as preventative.

What do u folks think?


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell in the vid. what else have you noticed? anything in the coco? on the roots tops of the coco? leaves got any symptoms?


Well-Known Member
can`t see your video very clear

if its tiny tiny white bugs then could be thrips

if its some kinda clear worm thing it could be nematodes

get a clear picture for us


Well-Known Member
After some reading Im pretty sure they are nematodes. One of the pots has a ton of them but is flourishing. Couple of the plants not doing as well had yellowing shoots and slower growth, but are recovering now. Thanks all for dropping by. Glad to have some levity on my first thread.