Can they see us?


Active Member
I know helicopters can spot whole houses devoted to grow operations, but can they spot a single HID bulb, and what if that hood and bulb is air cooled and recirculated through out the house? Further more if a given grow op is in the center of the house or even in the basement, could they peer that far in, or can they just see heat pockets that form in attics and make roofs hot. I'm really curious, a lil paranoid, and really anxious to get a response.


Well-Known Member
a helicopter won't be your downfall with a small grow like that. the only thing that'll get that grow busted is a big mouth.


Well-Known Member
over 90% of growrooms are never found, 1 HID isnt gonna bust you. Afterall, HID's aren't only used for growing pot.


Well-Known Member
ok...think about all the things in you house that create a heat signature....a computer, tv's, a stove, a dryer....or even like a curling iron. Do you really think that cops are going to set up around your house because they see one hot spot that might be a grow CABINET!!!!???? i'd would be more worried about that kind of friend that you showed your grow off to that gets busted with a dub and screams...." I KNOW A GUY WHO GROWS POT!!!!!"


Well-Known Member
There are things you can do to spread out some heat spots, and there are some things you don't even have to worry about at all.

there's a pretty good discussion going on in the Eyes in the Sky thread.

Paranoia is a good thing. It keeps you from being stupid. It makes you think. Thinking is good.

Plan....think....but don't long as the proper precautions are taken.


Active Member
Yar, well besides this site, my mouth is shut, and while not being able to "see" what they are "seeing", that kind of leaves things open to interpretation, which most people assume they can see right down in your house. I myself was just looking for some clarification, perhaps even some one who has looked at houses through these IR cameras. I guess to clear things up my question should say, can they only see the surface of the house, and supposing my ventilation is good, how many HID's would it take to alert them? Finally, if such a small operation as a single thousand watt HID is just not on their "radar" would it be even worth it to insulate and or invest in IR reflective mylar?


Well-Known Member
There are video clips, FLIR images and news articles posted in the thread I posted above. Vents are a giveaway. It's beneficial to put space between the lights and the surface of the, inner closets or rooms, "dead space" between the ceiling of the room and roof of the house. A basement is a good example, or a first floor inner room vs putting your grow together in your attic.


Well-Known Member
they cannot see the lights. all they can see is the heat signature emitted from the lights. 1 thousand watt hid light in the interior of the house or in the basement would probably not even be visable from the chopper. and honestly its not getting any hotter than your hot water heater. they are looking for houses that glow with heat. or rows of hid lights ligned up as they would be in a major grow operation. a woman in england last week got raided because they saw a strong heat glow comming from her house. it turned out she just had shotty insulation in her roof compared to all the other houses around her. read through the thread that rambler posted the link to. you'll learn alot about how the technology actually wiorks then you can make your best decision.


Well-Known Member
or ''friend rants, loose plants''
no . heres a big eye opener. ''loose lips sink ships''
Nice i like those.

You don't have to worry about a chopper seeing you with something that small, to the people the the chopper it could be a oven or a dryer or any number of appliances, if it even shows.

And most of the time choppers won't run over your house unless they have reason. But you neva know.:wall: