Can someone tell me what wrong?


Well-Known Member
My leaves are droopy, I had my plant on 24 hour light for the past day as an experiment. Could it be over watered? If it is over watered is there a way to evaporate some of the water or do I just have to wait?



Well-Known Member
if you are questioning overwatering it is likely the cause
even if you soil looks dry on top the bottom of the pot where most roots are can be swamped. if these roots dont get air the plant reacts by drooping. root need o2 leaves need Co2

extra airation in your soil will help stop the over watering cycle


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I will look into that. :blsmoke:For Co2 could I get a small Co2 tank and puncture it within the closet would that be good to do weekly? lol have you ever heard of anyone doing it? I know it sounds absurd.