Can someone help me on a DWC question?


Well-Known Member
I have a little dwc set up and I noticed on one of my buckets where the roots have hit the water, the jiffy pellet I germinated them in is dry.

Is this normal for it to go dry? Is it because the roots are in the water and its no longer matters?


Well-Known Member
The growth is amazing when they hit the water, I almost couldn't believe how long the root had grown.


Well-Known Member
Do not the splashes from the water as the aeration bubbles pop on the surface keep the peat cubes wet?

I dont do dwc and have little idea there

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
if roots are in the water, the puck is old news. it'll be gone once the stem is bigger diameter than the puck was. @dabbindylan if roots are in the water, it's best to keep water level just below the pot to encourage more roots. once big, then you can fill all the way up, since they're drinking 1+gallons a day.