Can Some Please Estimate how much longer i have left pictures


Well-Known Member
I have seen people argue about fan leaves many times.... The way I see it ( Yes they are very important for a plants health ) But if you dont plan on revegging the plant after its all over with and you cut them after 6 weeks into budding I dont think its going to hurt the buds ripening but i will say that it might slow down the growth a little compared to leaving them.... Ive read up on biological plant growth for all plant life and all plants have their designated leaves that produce the most energy for the plant to thrive... The leaves that are closest to the bud are the leaves that help that bud out most... If you have poor leaves in that area then you will have poor budding in that area... If you have poor lighting in that area then your leaves that supply the budding in that area wont produce as much energy for that area... The leaves that are left around the bud ( after cutting the fan leaves off ) will take over as the factories of energy to supply the bud with energy but nothing compared to the fan leaves from what i have read up on... This is all information that i gathered but everyone has their own way to grow.... But yes Fanleaves are definately good for the plant (just need to get more light down to the troubled areas without cutting as many fanleaves as possible in my Opinion...
thats why i did it on day 60 cuz my bottom grow was not gettin any light