Can plant last longer than 1 season?


Active Member
Alright guys here is the deal.

Unfortunately I had a botched grow and ended up with only 1 female hindu kush plant, I had 2 male fruity loops plants and used them to pollinate my lady so hopefully I can get a kush/loops cross out of the deal.

My plant is currently budding under a flouro so obviously I'm going to get little tiny crappy buds with a few really good seeds. From all I've read I have passed the point of making clones from this plant.


Can I revert my plant back to 24hrs of light after I pick the buds and force the plant back into a vegetative stage where it will produce buds again in a few months? Essentially can a marijuana plant produce buds for more than 1 season?

I'm hoping it is possible to revert the plant back to 24 hrs of life after I pick the buds so I can take a few good clones once it is in vegetative.

FYI - I had to use flouros because my 600 watt hps melted all of my poly plastic off of the walls - THIS IS THE PRECURSER TO A FIRE.