can i use any of these nutes?


Active Member
hi first time poster here, Let me start off by saying great site! and thanks for all the great info.

So i recieved some free nutes from a buddy of mine and was just wondering if i could use any of these for my new grow.

1. St. Gabriels Labs Plant-Gro Plant and flower booster (made from sea kelp)
Non-plant food ingredients 0.2% kelp (Eklonia Maxima)
Directions: Apply until point of run-off , every three weeks.

2. Bonide Fish emulsion 2-4-0.5
directions: Apply monthly (houseplants 1 teaspoon in 1 quart of water)

3. all Natural Neptune's Harvest Seaweed fertilizer 0-0-1
Directions houseplants 1 tablespoon per gallon of water every two to
three weeks.

If i can't find any special fert for my plants whats the next best option (obviously not miracle grow)?

plus when looking at direction which is best to follow (houseplants,vegetable,trees and shrubs, roses and garden flowers ect)? Thanks again!



Well-Known Member
The fish emulsion could be used, particularly for flowering. I have my doubts about the others, but maybe...