Can i take clones off of a flowering plant?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i started from seed with my plants and i switched them over to flower about a week ago to sex them. I figured out i got 3 females and 2 males.
The females started growing hairs already i was wondering if i should switch them back to veg before i cut clones or if i can take my clones and switch them to veg?

thanks for any help and sorry if this is a stupid question/.


Active Member
definitely. you can clone anything at any time. i cut off my pinky finger (at a 45 degree angle of course), put rooting gel on it, and had a mini me in about a week


Well-Known Member
the girls will usually take at least 2 weeks to revert back to a veg state either way in my experience. I've only been cloning for about 6 months or so right now but I would say take your clones and put them back into veg and leave the mother alone. I've recieved clones from a friend a few times from plants that had already started flowering and i have not had any more problems with them rooting than any others. Just note that it may take a little longer to see them start to grow again


Active Member
It will shoot out alot of branches too, my friend cloned a fully flowering plant and when it started to re-veg it was so bushy It made me want to always clone flowering plants. They have a harder time rooting though.


Well-Known Member
I once had to go outta town and the person i had watching my garden killed all my mother plants, so I had to take clones off a plant that was in its 7th week of flowering. It did work but it took almost 2 months to revert back and start growing in veg stage again... but to answer your question Yes its possible


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the help everyone. I am going to take about 12 clones in total and throw them in some rock wool and dip them in some water and put them into my humidity dome tonight.


Well-Known Member
Alright so i took 5 cuttings and ive quit for the night. I quit ealry because i wasnt confident in the way they were turning out.
So i cut them with a razor blade than shaved the very bottom of the stem (shaved like a carrot) Than i dipped it in Root Gel, than i stuck it in the rockwool and dipped the rock wool in water. I put them in my humidity dome which i misted with water. They are under 3X 23w CFL bulbs.
Right now thats all they got. I plan on picking up a heating pad tomorrow to keep the bottoms warm.
Can you let me know how they look.
There a bit small

In the first pic is the clones i worked with. I also trimmed the big leaves.
The second picture is the mothers.

oh ya i forgot to mention, the rockwool holes are big so i stuck a little hole through the bottom for something to stick the stem into to hold it up right. Can i fill the big holes with permiculite or soil?

